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SmartRecruiters Winter 2017 Release: Global Company, Local Hiring

Global Company, Local Hiring

Managing global recruiting can get messy and complicated. Global organizations need to manage very large talent pools, tens of thousands of jobs, and thousands of hiring managers. All the while staying compliant, productive, and successful in each local talent market. That’s why we’re delivering features to make sure you’re successful in your own neighborhood, and abroad.

This quarter’s release focuses on making sure companies can handle the complexity and compliance of global hiring allowing them to scale their recruiting in each local market.

Here are the highlights of what we’re releasing in January:


Hiring laws and regulations are different from one locale to the next. Keeping track of each candidate manually in regards to those regulations can be a headache. Even letting just one candidate slip through the regulatory cracks can have consequences for you and your company.


Your hiring managers, recruiters, executives, and other stakeholders are bombarded with information everyday. Too much information can overwhelm and push away your recruiting team members. Or even worse, they’ll avoid the system all together. You certainly won’t want to do that when hiring manager engagement leads to better hires. User Access Groups protect hiring teams and recruiters from irrelevant information.


If I’m hiring in El Paso, TX, and you’re hiring in Stockholm, Sweden, the relevant job data (like cost center or sales territory) for us aren’t going to be the same. To run a global organization efficiently, we only want to see the information that’s relevant to us. Global Org mirrors your organization inside the SmartRecruiters system to help you with this.


The questions you ask in your online application are going to be different in every location you hire for. This includes if the question is going to be required or not, as well as the type of data you want to get from them.

Screening questions can be complicated, and creating them from scratch for different locations is tough and can result in mistakes. Screening question libraries will make this work easier and boost accuracy.


From top to bottom, you want your brand to be front and center. Brand consistency across every global location helps your candidates get a better understanding of who you are as a company, and what type of culture they may work under. The Branded Application API gives you full freedom to create whatever career pages you want.

Read more in-depth info on our What’s New Page.

We can’t wait to continue you hear your feedback on these features, and look forward to what we build together next quarter.