SmartRecruiters Blog
Donnie Schultz

Why I Loved Getting Hired At SmartRecruiters: Donnie Schultz, Marketplace Operations Manager

Donnie is integral to our Marketplace partners here at SmartRecruiters. As Donnie says, he’s a “worker of small miracles”, but to us, he handles all the operations around growing and maintaining our Marketplace. If you interact with a job board or an integration, he’s the man at the top!

I recently took some time out to speak with Donnie about his role here at SmartRecruiters, and why he loves working for the company that strives to reinvent recruiting:

TS: Thanks for taking this time out of your busy day Donnie. Talk to me about how you found SmartRecruiters.

DS: I think my story is similar to Eden [Monet’s] experience. I was applying for jobs, and saw that some of those jobs were using SmartRecruiters. I was really impressed by how easy it was to apply, and thought “hey, if they’re making my life so easy, maybe I could do the same others.”

So I went to the careers page to look for openings, applied, and here I am!

TS: Cool! We’re happy to have you. So then you got the offer, and you accepted it. There was something that attracted you to SmartRecruiters. Can you talk about that?

DS: For me, it was a lot of things. Number one is the social mission: we’re here to help recruiters find great candidates, but also make it easier for candidates to apply. There’s a big opportunity there, and I’m glad to be a part of it.

After that? Probably the company size. We’re kind of in that sweet spot where we’re not a full blown corporation with thousands of people, but not a small startup of 10 people. We’re a growing company, and it’s cool to be a part of that ride.

And the people are awesome. I love the people I work with everyday, including the crew out in Poland. No matter which office I work at, I always feel like I’m in a friendly home with people who are making cool stuff.

TS: Yeah, I can understand that feeling. Going back a second, what stood out to you about our interview process?

DS: It was weird, because it wasn’t too casual, but also not overly formal, know what I mean? I don’t know… it was a good balance. People were very friendly, and I clicked with them right away. As soon as I had my interview with SmartRecruiters, I knew exactly what to expect from the role, and my position within it.

TS: Awesome. I was in your interview right?

DS: Yep! We talked about languages.

TS: That we did! I wish I was as good as you were with foreign languages. Anyway, just one final question here: what do you like about SmartRecruiters now that you’re here?

DS: Going to what I said before, it’s people, people, people. This place has the best coworkers I’ve ever had. It’s a really great place, and I enjoy coming to work everyday. And also, I’ve always felt support around my personal and professional development. Who I am now is a different, and more skilled person than I was when I came in.

Taylor Sternberg

Taylor is a Marketing Manager, where he communicates the awesomeness of SmartRecruiters to our current and future clients. Prior to SmartRecruiters, Taylor “walked the boards” as an actor in the Tony Award Winning Broadway Musical “Jersey Boys”. Originally from Los Angeles, Taylor enjoys teaching weightlifting and fitness classes, performing with ComedySportz Worldwide, and will always be a devoted LA Kings fan.