SmartRecruiters Blog

Call and Give Feedback to Candidates

We often get caught up in the details of selecting the job boards to post a job opening, the verbiage contained within the job description, and the whole process of candidate to employee. We hide behind the process missing an opportunity to engage all the candidates in a new and beneficial way.

Pick up the phone.

According to CareerXroads Source of Hire Report for 2011, 50% of candidates have absolutely zero contact with a company upon completing their online application via phone or electronic.  It doesn’t hurt to pick up the phone.

    • Candidate Referrals. Using your current candidate talent pool as well as your workforce as a candidate referral source makes sense.  Not only does it reduce the average cost per hire, but it also increases engagement and builds relationships differentiating you from your competitor and strengthening your referral community.
    • Changing Perceptions. In the consumer-facing world, all we expect is average service, average customer engagement, and average conversations.  If I want to be treated with luxury I shop at Lexus where they pick up and deliver my car to my home before and after its scheduled oil change. Imagine if we went out of the way, created an environment focused on the candidate how it might change perceptions from job seekers and competition. If you just pick up the phone and touch every candidate, delighting them instead of avoiding them as part of the hiring process.
    • It’s Not As Hard As You Think. Making a change and creating a culture focused on conversations instead of candidates isn’t as hard as you think.  The 2011 Zero Unemployment Recruiting Trends Survey tells us that nearly 80% of those surveyed receive less than 100 applicants per open position.  You or your company’s operator can spend ten minutes, or a couple hours picking up the phone. Tell the candidate they didn’t get the position, offer them feedback, and most importantly piece of mind.

Give feedback. And options going forward are another way to make it right and a way to stand apart from your competition.  This will further differentiate the culture, environment and level of service you provide to your candidates compared to the rest. Don’t be afraid to say why this isn’t a good fit. Suggestions and aid can could come in the form of a minute of your time, a resume template or LinkedIn organizational tip. This provides value  for the candidates time.

As Jerome Ternynck says, “Nothing’s worse than recruiters who don’t give feedback to candidates.”

One simple action can help provide job seeker closure and value even if they didn’t get the job at the company you represent. As a recruiter and an organization, you not only build relationships, improving your employment brand while also growing your talent community, but most importantly you’ve made a difference in someone’s life, one phone call at a time.

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. Jessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers.


Jessica Miller-Merrell

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. Jessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers.