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Career Expert Job Search Advice with Discovery Social

When Susan Avello and Sabrina Baker asked me to be a panelist on their Career Expert Job Search Advice Hangout, I was flattered and obviously could not pass up the offer. It’s not everyday you have the opportunity to sit with experts and help job seekers with “nuggets of wisdom.” The panel had experts from all realms of the HR and hiring space, from GlassDoor to HireVue, the Resume Crusade to the Human Sphere and of course the Discovery Social team. Our unique perspectives combines are sure to have some good advice, right? You can see it for yourself below.

Today’s job search is changing, and every day there is something new to learn. The best thing is there are tons of resources available to help you get the jump you need on your endeavors. As the job seeker we all emphasized the importance of going above and beyond. You don’t want to sell yourself short- find a place you’d love to work, or a profession you’d love to do and use our nuggets to help you get there. SmartRecruiters seeks to create full employment by eliminating friction in the hiring process – in the midst of building an awesome product – we’re always here to help. Hope you enjoyed the hangout!