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Research Alert: TA Leaders Abandoning Traditional Recruiting Software

New research conducted at the recent HR Technology conference in October 2015 provides insight into how traditional software is failing today’s Talent Acquisition leaders. In short, the old software does little to actually help TA acquire talent.

Instead it forces recruiters to use an unruly and unhelpful set of tools that kills recruiter productivity, fails to meet the needs of hiring managers, and provides no actionable insight into the TA process.

These findings are easily absorbed from a new infographic that summarizes the research. Titled Abandoned Technology: Why Talent Acquisition Leaders Have Stopped Using Traditional Recruiting Software (PDF), the infographic drills down to detailed observations gleaned from HR, TA and HRIT leaders.

In most cases, their companies are still using an ATS, often in conjunction with a variety of add-ons to patch the ATS’s shortcomings. Such a situation is unlikely to continue, especially as next generation systems are now available in the form of TA Platforms.

SmartRecruiters sponsored this research and is publishing this infographic to highlight the roadblocks in front of many TA leaders. Of course, we wouldn’t point out a problem if there wasn’t a solution. That solution is the SmartRecruiters TA Platform, which you can read about here.

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