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Hire18 Sponsor: Codefights

At its core, CodeFights is a tool which both aspiring and veteran developers can use to build and hone their skills through fun, addictive coding games.

Through completing challenges and games, coders can also be put into contact with jobs which match their skill level. As well acting as a more accurate barometer for coding prowess, a testing process such as this also helps eliminate bias and allow inexperienced, grassroots talent to get a foot in the door of a competitive industry.

Joining our list of sponsors for Hire18, we asked founder and CEO Tigran Sloyan about not only being a speaker, but putting some dough into the conference, too.

What made you decide to not only attend, but support Hire18 financially?

CodeFights is committed to promoting skills-based hiring. By recruiting and hiring based on verified skills, we remove barriers for entry and create a hiring process that’s a true meritocracy instead of being preoccupied with credentials. Of course, I’m excited to attend because I want to share our vision for the future of hiring, but we made the decision to support Hire18 because we want to promote all the other thought leaders and companies that are doing such great work in revolutionizing the talent space.

What is the biggest takeaway you hope to achieve?

I’m really excited to spread the word about how the ability to objectively measure skills will change everything about recruiting and hiring. And the changes will benefit job seekers, not just companies.  

What are you most looking forward to about the conference?

I’m looking forward to meeting up with other thought leaders in the talent space, see what they’re working on, and start collaborating with them on exciting ideas.  

What does Hiring Success mean to you?

I believe hiring great people is the most important predictor of a company’s success. The secret is always in the right execution, not just in the idea. So Hiring Success means that you have an actionable plan to hire the best people for your company – and then following through!

What role does/should hiring play in a company’s priorities?

I think hiring should always be a company’s top priority. Making the wrong hire can set a company back pretty far, or in extreme cases even sink it. So it’s critical to figure out what the right person for a role looks like, and then find and hire that person.

Why do conferences still matter in the digital age?

Conferences give people the chance to meet up in person and share ideas in a free-flowing way that often just doesn’t translate to less immediate mediums.