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2nd Round Of Speakers Announced For Hiring Success 17

HS17 New Speakers Announced

Hiring Success 17 is just two months away and if you haven’t registered yet, now is the perfect time to do so. If you’re looking to grow your recruiting skills and learn what’s happening in the world of recruiting, we’ll have the best speakers there to show you the way.

That being said, here are three MORE speakers we’re announcing to help you and your team reach hiring success in the next year:

Diana Ferguson, VP Talent Acquisition, OppenheimerFunds.

Relational Recruiting

Diana Ferguson will speak on how to build a talent attraction machine from scratch. OppenheimerFunds built a program to attract and engage talent before they had an open position, and she’ll share the details.


Matt Charney, Executive Editor, Recruiting Daily

Beyond The Buzzwords

Matt Charney is a powerful voice in the trends and traditions of recruiting. He’ll set the record straight on which hiring efforts are worth your time, and which ones are fluffy recruiting buzz words.


Marilyn Miller, Chief People Officer, Alfresco

Real World Application of SmartRecruiters Analytics

Marilyn Miller from Alfresco Software will share how her team was able to create a culture of hiring with actionable Key Performance Indicators and Analytics.

And we’re not done yet! Check out the latest agenda to see the full list of sessions available. We’ll be announcing more speakers to make sure that there will be something for everyone who attends. For last week’s announced speakers, click here.

And don’t forget: Early bird pricing ends on February 10th, so it’s your last chance to save $500 off your ticket!

We can’t wait to see you at Hiring Success 17!