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Webinar preview: Top 3 Sourcing Channels for New Talent

Webinar preview: Top 3 Sourcing Channels for New Talent

You probably don’t need yet another reminder that keeping your talent pipeline filled with high-quality candidates isn’t getting any easier — a trend not likely to change anytime soon.

Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends report notes that talent acquisition ranks number three as a top concern of business leaders. I wouldn’t be surprised if it ranks number two or even number one next year.

So don’t miss our upcoming August 22 webinar, “Better Talent Faster? It’s Possible!” — when two leading talent acquisition professionals will reveal the top three sourcing channels where the most successful companies focus their resources.

You’ll get plenty of data-driven insights on these sources, plus actual examples of how one successful retailer uses these channels to keep their talent pipeline filled with excellent candidates.

Bersin by Deloitte has compared the top sourcing channels successfully used by companies ranked as “mature” talent acquisition organizations to those that aren’t as highly ranked.

Robin Erickson, Vice President, Talent Acquisition, Engagement, & Retention at Bersin by Deloitte will present some of these findings.

She will be joined by Sarah Wilson, Director, Talent Acquisition & Performance Management at Indigo Books & Music, who will show you how she and her team use these top sourcing channels in actual practice.

Real-world case study on how top organizations source the best talent

Deloitte’s report points out that a company ranked as “mature” at talent acquisition as a business function is 2.6 times more likely to have a robust talent pipeline than other companies. Robin will explain best practices that contribute to greater success.

To see how these best practices work in action, Sarah will present a wide variety of strategies and tactics Indigo uses in maintaining its talent pipeline for an organization with 200+ stores across Canada, plus an online store. Employing more than 6,000 people and making more than 4,000 hires per year, Indigo’s sourcing challenges include:

Three top talent sources

As Robin and Sarah present both data and various sourcing strategies, they’ll explain how the best companies use these three top talent sources:

  1. Employee referrals: Learn how sourcing from inside the organization can be a valuable and inexpensive resource, and how various incentives and criteria can create a competitive advantage.
  2. Professional networking: Discover the many benefits of networking, but also pitfalls, and why Indigo made a significant decision to focus on only one specific networking resource.
  3. Internal candidates: Find out how to identify highly qualified candidates within your organization and determine which ones are likely to be high performers.

Turning data into action

I’ve seen some of this research and the success Indigo has enjoyed putting these ideas to work. The results will be surprising – so you won’t want to miss this August 22 webinar. Yes, it is possible to acquire better talent faster, so register now.