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Best 10 Places to Find Media Professionals

Media professionals want to be known as experts (believe me I am one) and reach large audiences with their content.  If you want to reach top media professionals, you should consider advertising your opportunity where media professionals spend their time reading. And make sure, your job ad explains how your work will reach large audiences.

Here are 10 places to find top media professionals:

AdRants provides marketing and advertising news along with editorials on advertising and social media trends. Who better to rant on ads than top media professionals? Led by Steve Hall, AdRants attracts a readership with a quirky sense of humor. If you want to grow your brand’s character, start here.

Bloomberg is one of the most trusted news sources. The serious journalist and PR professional alike read Bloomberg. Alexa reports that it is the 177th most visited site in the United States. With roots in financial reporting, I highly recommend advertising the senior level media roles on Bloomberg to reach more established professionals.

Leveraging the massive audiences of not only TechCrunch but also Crunchbase, Crunchboard is the source of media professionals in the tech industry. If your company is startup or is looking to infuse a “get sh*t done” startup mindset, you must advertise your job openings on Crunchboard.

GigaOm is the leading independent voice on emerging technologies and the disruption of media. Unlike other news sources, the design of the homepage makes “Jobs” one of top three choices in the top navigation, driving a higher percentage of it’s traffic to your job opening.

Mashable is all about the the latest digital, social media, business, tech, entertainment and mobile news; i.e. a top resource and guide for digital culture. With its emphasis on social (often citing status updates as news sources), Mashable is great place to reach the younger demographic of media professionals.

MediaBistro‘s mission is to provide opportunities to meet, share resources, and become informed of job opportunities. The cool thing is, depending on your job opening, MediaBistro will also target syndication to AllTwitter, AllFacebook, their Twitter account, and more.

The Washington Post has long been our capital’s most reliable news source. While some may think newspapers are dead, Jeff Bezos recent purchase of the Washington Post will ensure that at least one newspaper is on the cutting edge of digital content.

TweetMyJobs acts as the gateway for employers to post their jobs all over social networks and get matched with job seekers. If you are looking an easy, targeted broadcast to top media professionals, TweetMyJobs will cover your bases.

VentureBeat publishes the news on what matters in the tech business world. Lead by a great Editor-in-Cheif (Dylan Tweney), VentureBeat’s quality of content creates an audience of top media professionals.

Your Facebook Page. Most media professional will check out your company’s Facebook page. At all times you should have your open jobs listed on Facebook. This app by SmartRecruiters will create a careers page on Facebook that automates the listing of open jobs and lets candidates know how their social network connects to the companies social network.

I can’t understate the importance of hiring top media professionals. Remember that Richard Branson’s empire started with creating his own news source (magazine called ˆStudent’). Learn from how Marketo became a leading source of content for their target consumer, marketers (with only two people working on their blog). And at SmartRecruiters, I started with no marketing budget, and it was the blog and our social media engagement that brought in our first customers. It’s time to advertise where top media professionals consume media.