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Summer Jobs+ and SmartRecruiters

Summer Jobs+ partnered with SmartRecruiters. Summer Jobs+ is a call-to-action for businesses, non-profits, and government to provide pathways to employment for low-income and disconnected youth this summer. This is an initiative by the United States Department of Labor. In this partnership,  SmartRecruiters empowers organizations to list previously unlisted jobs not only in the Summer Jobs Bank, but also, to free, niche, and commercial job sites.


President Barack Obama explained the program:


“America’s young people face record unemployment, and we need to do everything we can to make sure they’ve got the opportunity to earn the skills and a work ethic that come with a job. It’s important for their future, and for America’s…We’re launching Summer Jobs+, a joint initiative that challenges business leaders and communities to join my Administration in providing hundreds of thousands of summer jobs for America’s youth.”


“We are honored to be partnering with the Department of Labor and Summer Jobs+,” said SmartRecruiters Director of Business Development Charlie Nelson.



The Summer Jobs+ Website explains, ‘Businesses, Non-Profits and Governments can accept the President’s call-to-action and make a “Pathways Pledge” by choosing at least one of the following three pathways to employment for low-income youth:


    • Life Skills: Provide youth work-related soft skills, such as communication, time management and teamwork, through coursework and/or experience. This includes resume writing or interview workshops and mentorship programs.


    • Work Skills: Provide youth insight into the world of work to prepare for employment. This includes job shadow days and internships.


    • Learn and Earn: Provide youth on-the-job skills in a learning environment while earning wages for their work.

From everyone at SmartRecruiters, we are proud to help Summer Jobs+ provide opportunities for America’s youth to gain on-the-job experience and skills.

Post opportunities to the Summer Jobs+ Job Bank through SmartRecruiters.