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Candidate Relationship Management (the recruiting CRM)

Great companies put the smart in recruiting with comprehensive and effective candidate relationship management solution.

Candidate relationship management is a model for managing a company’s impressions and interactions with potential and future hires. It involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize the attraction, communication, and management of talent.

Easy Candidate Relationship Management (Recruiting CRM)

Business leaders need dashboards and candidate relationship solutions to give a clear view of all hiring activity at their company: new candidates expressing interest, colleagues rating, reviewing and sharing candidates, the posting of new job openings, as well as, analytics of recruiting service performance. This clear view of hiring activity, or HireLoop, only displays updates of the jobs each hiring manager, recruiter, HR professional or executive is attached to. Candidate relationship management facilitates the internal hiring discussion with colleagues and the external communication with candidates.

Great companies know every candidate touch point and are aware of what stage each candidate is in within the hiring lifecycle (from Lead to New candidate to In-Review to Interview to Offer to Hire), especially as you close in on making a hire. Not knowing where the candidate is in the hiring lifecycle is a regrettable way to miss out on a great hire. Powerful analytics give businesses insights into how to increase the quality of candidates and decrease the expenditure to hire.

Candidate Focused

With SmartRecruiters candidate relationship management and direct integration with a variety of recruiting services (the recruiting store), you can follow your candidates and your recruiting budget at the same time from anywhere.

It must be made easy for candidates to express interest in working for your company, starting with a clean job ad that maximizes conversation of all visitors. All cover letters, candidate emails, reviews and ratings build the robust candidate profile of your potential hire. In choosing a candidate relationship management solution, you must consider the barriers to adoption, such as ease of use and price per user. In our internet dominated no patience generation, implementing a new system must be as easy as sending an email to a colleague.


To attract top talent you need a candidate relationship management solution that helps you see and measure hiring activity of not only every applicant, candidate, and future hire, but also, every recruiting service expenditure (job boardsrecruiter feesdatabase searchescandidate assessments, etc.). In today’s real-time and mobile business environment, there’s no reason for any up-front software investment that’s difficult to afford, install and maintain.


Using a great candidate relationship management platform is as easy as buying a book on That means your employees will use it, so it will be a more effective tool for your business to recruit talent from all sources, collaboratively manage candidates, and ultimately scale your team. Customersanalysts, bloggers, and industry experts agree: SmartRecruiters = ease of use.


Today, over 45,000 of the world’s most innovative companies—large, medium, and small—use SmartRecruiters to hire more talented people faster.