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There are 18,239,258 Cloud Computing Jobs

There are 3.9 million jobs in the U.S. affiliated with cloud computing today with 384,478 in IT alone.  The median salary for IT professionals with cloud computing experience is $90,950 and the median salary for positions that pay over $100,000 a year is $116,950.

Globally there are 18,239,258 cloud computing jobs, with the majority being in China (40.8%).

These and other key insights are from WANTED Analytics, the leading provider of data analytics on the workplace. The company currently maintains a database of more than one billion unique job listings and is collecting hiring trend data from more than 150 countries. WANTED Analytics has never been a client, they provided complimentary access based on my requesting a trial account. Forbes readers have been requesting job-related data and hiring analysis for cloud computing, which is what led me to contact them and complete this analysis.

Key Take-aways include the following:


This article was written by Louis Columbus from Forbes and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. SmartRecruiters is the recruiting platform to find and hire great people.