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5 Amazing Online Cover Letters

Making yourself stand out amongst hundreds of job applicants these days is not easy. That’s because we’ve all been taught time and again to follow the one-page cover letter template. However, why limit yourself from being seen and heard by doing what everyone else is doing? We live in a fast pace world where social media allows us to work past the gatekeepers of communication. A short and concise cover letter is easier to read than a long and dry one.

If done right, social media can be the key that opens the door to your next job. See how these 5 individuals used social media to grab the attention of their desired employers:


5. Pinterest Resume & Cover Letter – Jeanne Hwang really wanted to work at Pinterest. What better way to relay her zealousness and qualifications than with a Pinterest board? At a quick glance, you get the idea that she’s smart, adventurous, and highly motivated. On closer inspection, her education and experience back up her initial impression. Hwang knows her way around Pinterest, demonstrated by her aesthetically pleasing and carefully placed pins.



4. Creating a Cover Letter Website – Though not social media, Alice Lee utilized the internet by making her own website to communicate to Instagram why she should be hired. The website is simple, but beautiful, illustrating her great ability to design and build a web page in just 2.5 days. She doesn’t explain how she’s a self-starter, she shows it through mock-up ideas and images. Lee didn’t get the job, but she did get an interview and land herself a position at Path.


3. Introducing Yourself with Facebook Notifications – Morgan Brown made it clear he wanted to work at Facebook by utilizing its popular features. He joined the “Future Facebook Employees” group, used his status updates to display his skills and experience, and tagged companies he worked for. He even made due with Facebook’s fun applications, like “throwing a sheep” at the HR Director.




2. Optimizing Twitter Hashtags – Willy Wang wanted to work at Twitter. Rather than tweet the hiring manager using the “@” sign every time (he only used the handle to begin the cover letter), he used the hashtag #CoverLetter. It was perfectly timed and worded, having sent all his tweets within a minute. His tweets show he is quick and concise. In addition, he’s a considerate team player, thanking the hiring manager and telling her to also consider his friends. Using Twitter in this way, he nabbed himself an interview.


1. Creating a “Hire Me” Video and a Website – Lindsay Blackwell “gets” social media. She made this clear to the University of Michigan by creating a website that explained why she was interested in becoming the Social Media Director, how she could contribute to the university, and how to contact her. The best part is her video to Lisa Rudgers, Vice President of Global Communications and Strategic Initiatives. This video showcases her tech savvy skills, past work, enthusiasm, and why she is a social media pro (click here to watch video and click here to watch the happy ending).


Clever online cover letters, right?

These cover letters didn’t necessarily lead to the job the candidate was eyeing but by adding innovation to the job search, they created demand for their employment. Don’t think for a second that these unique social media antics alone can secure your dream job (or tomorrow’s dream job). You still need to have the skills and experience necessary to back up what you claim and make it through to the finish line. Be smart, make an impression, and get the job!


Photo Credits Jeanne Hwang’s Pinterest, DearInstagram, Jonathant3 Buzzzfeed, CargoCollective, & DearLisaRudgers.

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