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Hire18 Speaker Preview: John Sumser

It’s not often you come across someone who’s actually seen it all, but as HR Tech continues to boom, there’s one person who can walk you through the industry’s entire technological evolution, and it’s that kind of past that can most clearly see the future.

John Sumser has been in this game so long he once had the ignominious honor of advising the founders of Yahoo that “you can’t possibly make money with a web index.” His first foray into coding involved punch cards, his sales experience goes back as far as selling doughnuts door to door, and his seasonal work was once strictly of the winter variety, when he’d don a Santa suit to earn some extra cash.

With a lifetime of hits and misses, tech triumphs tempered by human error, John’s seen it all, and now wears more hats than the California Angels’ starting lineup at HRExaminer, where, as founder, editor-in-chief and prime contributor, he delves into all things HR, from leaders’ profiles to the trends and ideas that will push the industry forward.

One of John’s current areas of interest is how the cultural differences between the generations are changing the workplace. He introduced this idea last year to the top 500 employers in Canada,  where Al Gore was the warm-up act (although Gore might prefer calling it a lead-off keynote).

John will bring his vast and variegated experience to Hiring Success 18, March 12-14 in San Francisco. For anyone seeking insight into any facet of HR Tech and where it’s headed in the near and distant future, John Sumser is a speaker that you can’t afford to miss. Register here and see you in San Francisco!