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Facebook Recruiting: Turn Fans into Hires

The question is not whether you believe in Facebook Recruiting or not. There are nearly 1 billion active users on Facebook. That’s a lot of people. A lot of fans who already like your brand. A lot of potentially good candidates.  This is simply too important to ignore.

Your company needs to have a Careers tab on Facebook, just like it has a Careers page on the Web. Good news is. It’s really easy to do. And it’s entirely free.

A Careers Page for the Social Web

As seen on, the new SmartRecruiters automatically adds a Careers Tab to your company Facebook page where candidates can:

Check out examples at Photobucket, GoodData or on our own page Smartrecruiters (which you can Like while you are there…)

Facebook Job Advertizing

We’re also introducing a new Facebook Advertising service to help you drive qualified candidates to your jobs. Order Facebook Ads from SmartRecruiters and we will automatically turn your job posting into a targeted Facebook ad campaign.

Unlike traditional job boards, Facebook Job Advertising lets you target only relevant candidates, leveraging location, interest, employers, and more. We’ve been testing this ourselves and got great results.


Getting Started

If you haven’t installed your SmartRecruiters Facebook App yet, now might be a good time. It only takes 2 minutes (and yes, it’s entirely free)

1)     Visit Careers Tab and click on “Install App.”

2)     Connect the App to your existing SmartRecruiters account (or create a new one).

Note: You need to be a Facebook admin to install an app on a page.

That’s it. Happy Hiring.