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ERecruiting: Recruiting on Google+ (Google Plus)

Google+, Google’s social media platform is the fastest growing social network in the history of well, social networks. Since Google released it in beta July 26th, the new social media platform created a media frenzy as bloggers, social media influencers and the media covered the release of the platform like never before.  Google+ has quickly accumulated an estimated 25 million users. It provides recruiters and hiring managers another wide channel to recruit, source, and search.

Google+ offers a unique opportunity for recruiters to blaze new trails and connect with candidates in different ways. Users add individuals they wish to engage by categorizing them into circles, which they create. These circles allow for the user to send a message to a select group of individuals with the option to post publicly or privately as well as edit a comment or post after it has been published.

Aside from posting great content on Google+, increasing connections through what is similar to Retweeting (or RTing) on Twitter, users can “+1” a post from their circles to share with others within their network.

Without using a Boolean string, recruiters can use external tool to search candidate using tools like FindPeopleOnPlus, an index of Google+ users which boasts nearly 10 million users. Google+ also makes connection suggestions based on keywords and profile information specific to each individual user. For the more advanced sourcer or Erecruiter a Boolean string can also be created to search all profiles for keyword, location, and other specifics.

Another external tool available for G+ users, is an optional browser extension called Google Minus. Google Minus alerts the G+ user when someone removes them from one of their circles. Kynetx also offers a variety of Google+ companion applications including Google+ Comment Toggle, Google Direct that limits your message to just 5 people instead of an entire circle, and even Twitter Minus.

Google Plus is very much still in its infancy, but it offers opportunities to engage in new and exciting ways while remaining SEO and Google Search friendly. I think it is an attractive recruiting tool for developers, those in social media and the software industry sectors, where early adopters have been willing to put in the time and effort to experiment and establish a presence, but there is no reason it won’t become a stronger presence in other sectors as well.

Erecruiting is the use of Internet for attracting, recruiting, and retaining job seekers and employees, encompassesing many different recruiting, tools, technologies, and platforms. Previously at the SmartRecruiting blog, I have also discussed Erecruiting for Facebook and Twitter.

Photo Credit BlogingBloging and Mashable

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