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Voila! Employee Referrals via Social Media

88% of employers say referrals are their top source of above average candidates.”

In the world of social recruiting, there is social broadcasting and there is social messaging; the difference in communication is one to many versus one to one. The response rate of one to one communication is many multiples higher. To source talent from your network and your colleagues’ networks, we’ve released a new free product, Social Referrals.

We want to empower your hiring team to sort and engage with their networks in a timely and efficient manner. You can connect your Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Twitter account, then our smart technology will recommend who in your network would be a good fit for the role.

If you think the candidate is an “Interesting” fit for the role, click “Interesting.” A pre-populated message will appear, sending the potential hire more job details via the network you are already connected on. Within your SmartRecruiters account, the candidate receiving the message will be attached to Job as a “Lead.”



If you think the suggested potential hire is not a good fit for the role right now, but they “Might Know Someone,” click “Might Know Someone.” The receipt will be prompted to start the process of browsing their network to find a relevant candidate for you:



We’ve also implemented responsive design on Social Referrals so that everyone in your network and your network’s network will pleasantly be able to help their friends find talent via their mobile devices.



Voila, Social Employee Referrals!

Modern employee referral programs don’t exist without social network integration.

Start hiring from your social network and your colleagues’ social network by signing up for SmartRecruiters. Before I go..

Smart Tip #1: Also consider candidates that already work at your company. As a colleague, you have an inside scoop on whether another employee isn’t maximizing their potential, and which role one could do more in.

Smart Tip #2: Involve your social marketing team so that you can also connect to your company’s Twitter account. People follow your company for reason, by sending relevant job openings via direct messaging to the right Twitter followers, you can gain greater value from your social following.

Smart Tip #3:  Simple but sweet, every time you advertise a job,make sure you ask your colleagues for referrals (this is part of the SmartRecruiters “Create a Job” flow).

What’s your Smart Tip for integrating social media into your employee referral program?