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SmartProfile: FlexJobs

FlexJobs is the #1 job site to post jobs with any telecommuting, freelance, part-time or flexible schedule option.

General Information:

Founded: 2007

Service (offered):  FlexJobs is an award-winning service that specializes in telecommuting, part-time, and freelance job listings. FlexJobs provides employers the best, most targeted place to find professional candidates in these cost-savings niches, and on the other side gives job seekers an ad-free way to find professional, legitimate flexible jobs quickly, easily, and safely.

With job listings in over 50 career categories, ranging from entry-level to executive and freelance to full-time, FlexJobs is the #1 job site to post jobs with any telecommuting, freelance, part-time or flexible schedule option.


CEO: Sara Sutton Fell


Twitter: @FlexJobs


Employees (# of): 24

SmartRecruiters wants to know: How do you make hiring easier? CEO Sara Sutton Fell of FlexJobs had this to say.


1. Tell us a little about the history of FlexJobs.

FlexJobs came from my own experience looking for a flexible job. It was 2007 and at the time, I was pregnant with my first child and searching for a job that was both in-line with my career path and that would allow some kind of work flexibility, such as an option for telecommuting or a flexible schedule. Shocked at the number of scams and ads in the work from home niche particularly, I thought of the idea for FlexJobs – a place where professionals can find legitimate, high-quality flexible job listings in one easy-to-use, safe place. Five years later, and FlexJobs is the leader in its field.


2.  How does FlexJobs service work?

We have a team of job researchers who spend each day scouring the Internet for flexible job leads. When they find a job that fits our site, we research and screen the company and the job to weed out any possible scams, and then post it to our site. Usually we find one good job for every 60-70 scams, not to mention the hundreds of other jobs we sort through to find ones that truly offer work flexibility. In addition, employers are welcome to come directly to us to post jobs and recruit top-notch candidates for flexible positions.


3. What are FlexJobs market differentiators?

We offer a few very significant differentiators.  The first area that FlexJobs is different is that every single job on our site fits three criteria: (1) it is legitimate, (2) it is professionally-oriented, and (3) it offers some kind of work flexibility.  Serving the flexible job niches is often like looking for needles in the haystack, and it’s a critical difference for us that our users will never find any scams, questionable job leads, or other junk mixed in our job listings.

Similarly, FlexJobs is a completely ad-free site.  Job-seekers and employers who use our site experience a clean, trustworthy site that is devoid of the clutter that is common on 99% of other job sites.

And as an overarching philosophy, FlexJobs is a job service that is truly dedicated to integrity. Integrity of service, integrity of data, and integrity of business ethics. We feel that the job search experience nowadays is something most people don’t enjoy, don’t feel is quality-oriented, and just leaves a lot of room to be improved. We want to improve it, and integrity is at the core of our efforts.


4. Why should hiring businesses use the service of FlexJobs?

Employers who use our services know that their job openings will be seen by people who are serious professionals looking for flexible work, not just any person looking for an easy way to make money from home. Our job seekers are high-caliber, coming from 50+ career fields, and in many cases, with experience telecommuting or working a flexible schedule.

As a follow up, smart business nowadays are embracing flexible work options and the many, many benefits they offer.  From cost-savings and increased productivity, to happier employees and lower turnover, and a long list of other benefits, we provide employers a targeted resource to tap into qualified candidates.

5. What’s a fact we may not know about FlexJobs?

We not only talk the talk, but we walk the walk.  The entire FlexJobs team works remotely from home offices throughout the country and even abroad. This allows us a fantastic firsthand knowledge from both an employer’s perspective and a job-seeker’s perspective of what our users’ experiences are and how best to help them.