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From the “Dark Ages” to Modern Recruiting Technology

You might think I failed math class if I tell you how one SmartRecruiters client now saves 1,100 hours every week. After all, there are only 167 hours in an entire week if you work every hour every day.

Based on an 8-hour day, those hours add up to the equivalent of 137 work days – about half a year of one person’s time.

But yes, when one of our clients, DFC Global Corporation (also known as Dollar Financial Group), first adopted SmartRecruiters to automate manual tasks, company recruiters and administrators gained 1,100 more hours per week to spend on more essential tasks.

Not only that, as this case study notes, they’re sourcing 30 percent more qualified candidates at the same time.

How does DFC source more qualified candidates in a lot less time? As Jason Fischer, DFC Director of North American Talent Acquisition explains, the processes his team were using were virtually prehistoric.

“Before SmartRecruiters we were in the dark ages.”

During those dark ages, DFC recruiters were incredibly frustrated by inefficient processes, poor visibility on status of job openings and progress, and an inability to effectively track performance, let alone achieve hiring success. Recruiters and hiring managers were sifting through hundreds of responses and screening candidates one at a time.

That’s why Jason says that “before SmartRecruiters, we were in the dark ages.” He’s right. The company had been using email and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets as their “solution.”

Wow! That seems painful.

As Jason explains, “Finding a solution that was leading-edge in terms of recruiting capabilities was a top priority. Our leaders were spending far too much time on manual hiring processes and not focusing on the things they needed to be focused on like running their business.”

It’s even more painful when you consider that DFC isn’t hiring at high volumes. As a leading financial organization, DFC Global has 1,000 locations with 6,500 employees in seven countries. Its North American recruiting team alone needs to make more than 1,000 hires per year – in coordination with local hiring managers in 700 locations.

“It has transformed our company.”

As the company evaluated new talent acquisition solutions, DFC had three criteria for their new platform:

The company selected SmartRecruiters and nearly instantly realized significant improvements. These include:

Jason and his team now have the insights and knowledge to make better hiring decisions to support the company’s growth.

“SmartRecruiters has been able to deliver a system to really provide value to our recruiters and hiring managers while being adaptable and open to our needs. It has transformed our company,” Jason points out, explaining that hiring managers at hundreds of locations can better “focus on their business.”

Now that the company uses SmartRecruiters, they’ve said goodbye to email and Excel spreadsheets. They’ve said goodbye to the Dark Ages of recruiting with all of its tedious manual processes.

Being able to focus more on business and less on routine tasks. Saving 1,100 hours per week. Finding more qualified candidates. That’s what happens when you update from the Dark Ages to a modern talent acquisition suite.