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Introduction to The Diversity Hiring Toolkit

Table of Contents

SmartRecruiters is committed to minimizing racism and discrimination in the recruiting process—that means using our full power as individuals, as an employer, and as a leading provider of recruitment technology to influence wholesale change and to help you achieve true diversity hiring outcomes.

So it only seems appropriate that on Martin Luther King, Jr Day, we honor his legacy of service and the steadfast progression of human rights by taking a step forward.

I am so proud to announce that today we are launching one of our first key initiatives – The Diversity Hiring Toolkit. 

The Diversity Hiring Toolkit includes a maturity model, success pillars, each of which consists of three key standards that we believe form a best in breed framework for diversity recruitment initiatives:



Diversity Brand Equity

Source Strategically

Fair Hiring Practices

Organizational Support

Be an Early Adopter—Take the Diversity Hiring Assessment

As part of our Toolkit, we are offering companies the ability to take our Diversity Hiring Assessment by following the steps below. This will give you a holistic and objective view of your overall diversity hiring maturity level and specifically against each one of our aforementioned pillars and standards. 



Upon completion of the assessment, your organization will receive a custom-made report that will serve as a blueprint on how to improve your diversity hiring outcomes with tailored guidance and actionable steps. 

As a follow-up, SmartRecruiters will provide additional resources to help organizations understand their assessment results and how they can leverage this output to drive real change. These continuous education resources will be available across multiple platforms and mediums (e.g., white papers, master class lessons, podcasts, webinars, etc.) and will serve to further educate organizations on how to utilize the Diversity Hiring Toolkit to deliver tangible results.

In closing, by participating in the Diversity Hiring Assessment, you will begin the critical mission to level up your diversity recruitment initiatives and generate real progress towards building a diverse workforce, leveraging inclusive and competitive recruitment processes and achieving Diversity Hiring Success.