Recruiter Marketplace | SmartRecruiters Blog You Are Who You Hire Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:13:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recruiter Marketplace | SmartRecruiters Blog 32 32 The Smarter Marketplace Mon, 01 Apr 2013 20:27:57 +0000

This past month SmartRecruiters rolled out one of our most exciting features yet, our new Recruiter Marketplace. Henceforth SmartRecruiters customers will be able to engage the best 3rd party recruiters directly from inside their SmartRecruiters accounts- and recruiters will have access to targeted reqs from our customers. It’s the latest step in our quest to […]

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This past month SmartRecruiters rolled out one of our most exciting features yet, our new Recruiter Marketplace. Henceforth SmartRecruiters customers will be able to engage the best 3rd party recruiters directly from inside their SmartRecruiters accounts- and recruiters will have access to targeted reqs from our customers. It’s the latest step in our quest to ensure that our customers make the best possible hiring decisions.

What it Means to Customers:

SmartRecruiters is a true end-to-end hiring solution, and the Recruiter Marketplace adds one of the final crucial pieces to the puzzle.  Whether you engage an outside recruiter only once in a blue moon, or whether you manage multiple recruiters on a daily basis, you can now do it all from the comfort of your SmartRecruiters account.  Create job openings on SmartRecruiters as you’ve always done, and in addition to suggesting the best job boards and direct sourcing tools, our platform will now suggest the best recruiters to get the job done.

What it Means to Partners:

When any one of our 35K+ SmartRecruiters customers creates a job post, our system goes to work matching that job with the right recruiters.  More than a mere distribution channel, the Recruiter Marketplace is also a superior way to interface with clients:  in addition to easy online communication and negotiation of terms, the Recruiter Marketplace also features streamlined invoicing and record-keeping.  It’s only the newest way that SmartRecruiters is becoming THE online marketplace for the world’s best hiring products.

Hire a Recruiter

The Future of Hiring: 

Ensuring quality hires, says SmartRecruiters founder and CEO Jerome Ternynck, requires “casting a deep net – but also a wide net.”  The SmartRecruiters platform allows you to do both – and the Recruiter Marketplace makes the process that much easier.  “The technology to source smarter and faster is here,” says Ternynck, and “the smart recruiters will be picky in 2013.”  The Recruiter Marketplace brings one of the best and fastest methods of talent acquisition (the use of a quality outside recruiter) to your door.  If you’re in charge of bringing the best and brightest to your team, you can’t afford not to use it.


Recruitment Agency Management

 Learn more about how to manage your recruitment agencies.  Or add your agency to the SmartRecruiters marketplace.


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Jerome Ternynck Presents “Quality of Hire: Good to Great” Fri, 01 Mar 2013 18:34:48 +0000

Jerome Ternynck presented “Quality of Hire: Good to Great” at the SmartRecruiters headquarters on February 27 as part of our SmartUp Series to Elevate Innovation in Hiring. Jerome opened with a great story from his days as a headhunter. When he brought a startup company (you may have now heard of them? Cisco) a great candidate, a […]

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Jerome Ternynck presented “Quality of Hire: Good to Great” at the SmartRecruiters headquarters on February 27 as part of our SmartUp Series to Elevate Innovation in Hiring. Jerome opened with a great story from his days as a headhunter. When he brought a startup company (you may have now heard of them? Cisco) a great candidate, a candidate they really liked, “The client asked, ‘Do you think we could find a better one?’ … Yeah, that’s what the best means. Best means there is no better one.” Jerome Ternynck‘s presentation details the science behind what companies need to do to source, engage and hire the best talent on the market. A must watch video for anyone who hires:


Also Check out the Full Slidedeck:

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What Makes a Great Recruiter? Wed, 27 Feb 2013 22:59:39 +0000

Occasionally, the difference between good and great can be small. But often times, “Good is the enemy of great. And that is one of the key reasons why we have so little that becomes great,” begins Jim Collins’ best selling book, “Good to Great.” The fact of good versus great and bad versus average are […]

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Occasionally, the difference between good and great can be small. But often times, “Good is the enemy of great. And that is one of the key reasons why we have so little that becomes great,” begins Jim Collins’ best selling book, “Good to Great.”

The fact of good versus great and bad versus average are somewhat subjective in determining an individual’s success, accomplishments and traits. Once you have defined those metrics of success, it becomes clear how truly valuable great hires are to your bottom line. So the question bares, what qualities and characteristics separate a good recruiter from a great recruiter?


  • The Ask Questions and Anticipate Needs.  I’ve always been a proponent of being prepared.  Great recruiters are prepared before the job opening is available.  They have a relationship with the hiring manager, having their fingers on the pulse of their recruiting trends and responsibilities. Great recruiters don’t simply ask questions, they research, learn and absorb because they understand the company and its ecosystem through experience, learning and their dedication to the hiring managers they serve.
  • They Take a Consultant Approach.   Great recruiters take notes and take a consultant and partner approach to filling a position.  They use a job requisition checklist in addition to meeting with the hiring manager to understand the role they are looking to fill. Consultants are training, developing and teaching other recruiters as well as their hiring managers.
  • They Care About the Full Employee Life Cycle.  Great recruiters look beyond simply filling the position.  They continue relationships with their hires and placements long after they have finished employee orientation and onboarding.  Great recruiters understand that employees hold see their recruiters as brand ambassadors who serve as the first point of contact with their new company.
  • Great RecruiterThey Share Their Secrets with the Team.  Recruiting is sometimes seen as a secret society and industry where good recruiters are often hesitant to share their sourcing or recruitment secrets because they believe doing so eliminates their competitive advantage. Great recruiters take the time to share best practices and secrets making the team stronger and improved performance for everyone.
  • They Focus on the Candidate.  Great recruiters focus on relationships not only with the hiring manager and their hires but serve as a resource for job seekers who didn’t receive a job opportunity.  Great recruiters realize that staffing and building candidate pipelines is a long term strategy and that providing value lends in building a community and a network of candidate referrals that are invisible and intangible to the average or even good recruiter.


The differences between good recruiters and great recruiters is in their holistic approach to recruitment and hiring. Execution determines the success of your business‘ big picture vision. Great recruiters just make smart moves that create less risk and more success because they see recruitment – not as an individual placement – but as an entire body of work.


@blogging4jobs blogsJessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a workplace and technology strategist specializing in social media.  She’s an author who writes at Blogging4Jobs.

SmartRecruiters is the hiring platform with everything you need to source talent (including a recruiting agency management feature), communicate with candidates and make the right hire.

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Weekly Update: Agency Management for Companies Fri, 22 Feb 2013 17:03:14 +0000

SmartRecruiters is excited to announce a new agency management feature coming next week to manage third-party recruiters in your account. Never before has a company been able to streamline processes with multiple recruiters while also having perfect visibility and control of candidate submissions for all jobs. SmartRecruiters New Agency Management Feature for Companies: Invite Your […]

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SmartRecruiters is excited to announce a new agency management feature coming next week to manage third-party recruiters in your account. Never before has a company been able to streamline processes with multiple recruiters while also having perfect visibility and control of candidate submissions for all jobs.

SmartRecruiters New Agency Management Feature for Companies:

Invite Your Recruiters

We make it easy for you to source great candidates with recruiters in our recruiter marketplace. You can invite your recruiters to join the marketplace in your account, and only recruiters invited by our customers can join. We send your recruiters an invitation by email and quickly walk them through the process of creating an account.



Hire a Recruiter

You have the option to hire a recruiter when either creating a job or on the job page for an existing job. This option displays our recruiter marketplace where you can see all third-party recruiters, view their terms and contract with them on your jobs.



Recruiters who you have invited are saved as your favorites in the marketplace. In addition, you can hire the best performing recruiters for your jobs. Your peers have vetted all recruiters in our marketplace, and companies that have used them can rate and review their services on their profiles.


Choose or Negotiate Terms

Recruiters create their own predefined offers in the marketplace for you to choose, including contingent and full service terms. You can also work with the recruiters who you have invited under your original terms by choosing direct delivery. They will continue to bill you directly and accept payments outside of your SmartRecruiters account.



In addition, you can propose new terms for each recruiter and negotiate them in your account, or share your job with the marketplace to receive competitive proposals from multiple recruiters.



Manage Candidate Submissions

Only recruiters who you select can submit candidates for your jobs. When you contract with a recruiter, they see your job as an assignment in their new Agency Portal and can only submit candidates and view the hiring status on jobs to which they have been assigned.



Candidates submitted by recruiters automatically show as new profiles on the job page and include ratings and reviews by the recruiter on the profile. Your hiring team receives notifications for new submissions and can start engaging these candidates immediately in your hiring process.



Recruiters can view their candidate submissions on the job page for each assigned job. They can also see the status of the candidate and the average rating by your hiring team. When a recruiter submits a candidate for a job, we check your database for duplicates and time stamp each submission to avoid potential conflicts before adding the candidate to your account.



Streamline Payments

We manage billing and payments for recruiting services purchased in our marketplace and give enterprise members an additional 10% off their purchases. We also take a 30% revenue share from recruiters doing business in SmartRecruiters.



Recruiters can request payment for their services as defined in the terms of your contract. For example, if you agree to contingent terms where the recruiter is paid when you place a candidate, you’ll receive a request for payment when you move the candidate to the hired status on a job.

We manage all invoices and payments with recruiters whom you’ve contracted. We invoice you in your account for their services per your terms and accept payments through your SmartRecruiters business account or a credit card.

Need more help? Please feel free to ask a question in our customer community.

Hire with SmartRecruiters!

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