gamify | SmartRecruiters Blog You Are Who You Hire Tue, 06 Nov 2018 15:37:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 gamify | SmartRecruiters Blog 32 32 How to Level Up Your Onboarding With Gamified eLearning Thu, 01 Nov 2018 13:00:26 +0000

Employee onboarding has come a long way from watching DVDs in the company break room. Here are five ways to use learning management systems to provide a more positive, engaging, and fun experience for recent hires.  New hire onboarding is a make-or-break moment in the employment cycle. This process helps employees develop their first impressions […]

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Employee onboarding has come a long way from watching DVDs in the company break room. Here are five ways to use learning management systems to provide a more positive, engaging, and fun experience for recent hires. 

New hire onboarding is a make-or-break moment in the employment cycle. This process helps employees develop their first impressions of their new workplace, their resources, and even their advancement opportunities.

And if it seems like their needs will not be met, they have no problem leaving. In fact, 17 percent of new hires quit within their first three months on the job. Considering the importance of successful new hire orientation, it’s surprising that only 32.6 percent of US employees say they are satisfied with their employers’ training programs.

The solution is pretty obvious: We need to find ways to improve our onboarding eLearning. An onboarding learning management system brings new employees up to speed while immersing them in your corporate culture. An LMS can handle the heavy lifting of orientation because it’s easier to deploy—it can also simplify employee development and monitoring.

These platforms enable companies to stay ahead of the competition and retain top talent. More importantly, new hires develop skills and fill gaps on their own terms, improving their satisfaction and productivity.

Good Training Gets Better

A well-built LMS definitely makes an impression with new hires. One HR manager I worked closely with heard rave reviews regarding her company’s LMS from a new hire. This new team member praised the system’s personalized resources and accessibility, noting it was a far cry from DVDs in the break room.

This speaks volumes about the role that an LMS can play in online onboarding. And the process only gets better when you enhance it with a gamified learning platform. Learning management system gamification provides training that truly motivates employees to keep going. It can transform otherwise boring company policy and compliance protocols into an engaging experience.

Additionally, game-based learning allows employees to gather the skills and knowledge they need to complete job-related tasks while having some fun along the way. They might be so eager to earn the next badge in their virtual display case that they actually go out of their way to learn more about a subject relevant to their job.

Not only is gamified learning more appealing, but it also makes it a breeze to track individual performance and participation. This real-time tracking enables managers to easily identify employees’ strengths and opportunities for growth, which makes annual reviews a more productive conversation. In short, new team members gain more knowledge during online onboarding, and your organization gets better production from its fresh talent.

5 Keys to Successfully Gamify Onboarding

Given the numerous benefits, a gamified learning platform seems like a smart move for companies in any industry. But before you pull the trigger and launch your new platform, follow these five LMS best practices to get the most bang for your buck:

1. Focus on behaviors and practical benefits. New hires are at a crucial stage of the employment cycle, so LMS games should guide learners to the information they need while reinforcing favorable behaviors. New employees should only advance to the next level after they have shown they have the necessary skills. Meanwhile, your game strategy and eLearning course design should demonstrate how learners can translate talents and knowledge gained from online training into the workplace.

2. Choose the right rewards for each task. Your onboarding game mechanics and rewards must suit employee preferences and needs, but they should also address your objectives and desired outcomes. For instance, badges are best for more involved accomplishments or working toward long-term goals. Alternatively, leaderboards tap into our competitive nature and fuel social interactivity. Use each feature accordingly. Consider how companies like Spotify and LivingSocial used constant performance feedback to entice 90 percent of employees to embrace a gamified review process.

3. Tap into intrinsic motivation. The goal of LMS gamification is to encourage the professional growth of your team members. A desire for public recognition might get employees engaged initially, but intrinsic motivation will keep them going. When employees notice that your gamified courses are improving their skills, it increases their confidence and their investment in your eLearning program. For example, LiveOps saw 23 percent better performance from employees who used its training app, which garnered 80 percent participation.

4. Keep competition light and productive. Competition can be a great motivator, but things quickly go downhill if it creates a hostile environment. New employees already feel apprehensive during their first days on the job, so keep the competition friendly and focused. In fact, your game narrative should support your company’s goals and help each employee see his or her role in the bigger picture. This makes the competition and your onboarding process more productive; team members experience a supportive community instead of feeling pitted against their peers.

5. Set clear ground rules. Be as clear as possible about your expectations. Let new hires know how they can earn points or badges, as well as what’s in it for them. Do they get a ticket to an exclusive training webinar? Do they unlock an online resource library? Be sure to emphasize intrinsic motivators: Explain how earning a sales skills badge demonstrates their mastery of the fine art of persuasion. Get early buy-in with your gamified online training program to ensure sustained employee participation.

Make no mistake: Using gamification for new employee training requires a robust LMS. It should have a strong focus on social learning and reporting. Most importantly, it should support your unique goals. Determine your desired outcomes ahead of time, and use that insight to find a gamified learning platform that keeps employees engaged and fosters professional growth.

The post How to Level Up Your Onboarding With Gamified eLearning first appeared on SmartRecruiters Blog.]]>
How to Game at Work and Not Get in Trouble Wed, 07 Mar 2018 18:57:09 +0000

Because gaming at work’s not wasting your time if the game makes you a better recruiter, right? Meet Jan Tegze, a recruiting veteran from the Czech Republic, author, blogger, and, what he’s most known as around the SmartRecruiters’ office, creator of all the productive distraction a recruiter could hope for, via his website, Great […]

The post How to Game at Work and Not Get in Trouble first appeared on SmartRecruiters Blog.]]>

Because gaming at work’s not wasting your time if the game makes you a better recruiter, right?

Meet Jan Tegze, a recruiting veteran from the Czech Republic, author, blogger, and, what he’s most known as around the SmartRecruiters’ office, creator of all the productive distraction a recruiter could hope for, via his website,

Great to meet you, Jan. Thanks for speaking to us. For those who don’t know, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I grew up at studied in Brno, Czech Republic, and I still live there. I’ve worked in recruitment for 14 years, am an HR Tech blogger, and the author of the book, Full Stack Recruiter: The Modern Recruiter’s Guide.

Was your first interest recruiting or tech?

Definitely tech! I’ve never considered recruitment to be my dream job, I was hoping to be an astronaut, because part of me is a geek and I was more interested in computers than recruiting. But IT recruitment turned out to be the right choice.

What about recruiting tech has been the biggest challenge for you?

Response rate when sending out emails. People are overloaded with information and because of that, our attention span (the amount of concentrated time a person can spend on a task without becoming distracted) is decreasing. We stop reading carefully and any longer text bores us– we want an immediate response to our questions. Getting a higher response rate is my everyday challenge. It is not only about the right subject line, it is about the combination of various things. Having the right timing, a catchy subject line, the right words in the message and other things. But you need to influence your potential candidates before you are going to reach them to get a better response and get a result, and this is best done through your personal brand, company brand etc.

What made you want to create these industry-based games?

I like solving problems and I was trying to solve two small problems I was facing– how to test people after they attend sourcing training and how to test whether the sourcer is good or bad in their job. There wasn’t a solution available for me to use, so I created this game and that led to other tools for sourcers.

How did it start?

I created the first game as an MVP (minimum viable product) and shared it with the world. During the first month, more than 1000 people played it. However, starting something is easy, the hard part is always to continue.

How did you gather all the examples?

I created most of these games when I was looking for some fun way (or excuse) to procrastinate when I was working on my first book (Full Stack Recruiter), and when I was learning and testing some new method. And few of these games were created by other amazing sourcers that decided to share their levels with the community through my site.

How long did it take to get them to this stage?

Sourcing.Games has been running for a year and three months. The current design is the fifth version of the design and the fourth version of the system, but I’m still working on them and have some interesting plans for them.

What has been the feedback so far?

I’ve only had negative feedback from one anonymous person. Other than that – people love them. Companies are using some of these games, along with their recruiting agencies, for their selection process during their interviews or internal training.

What do you hope people get out of them?

Well, that is a great question. I will be great if people will open their minds and break their current habits as far as how they solve these games. Some of them are stuck on levels, just because they are not able to think differently. So, don’t give up, there is always a way!

What are your plans to monetize them?

I get this question quite often, so you can always go to my site and click on the button “Support Us”. But life is not only about money, it’s about impact. That was my main goal when I was creating these games and that’s why I share them with the sourcing community. Of course, custom tailored games for the agency or company are not free.

The post How to Game at Work and Not Get in Trouble first appeared on SmartRecruiters Blog.]]>