social networks | SmartRecruiters Blog You Are Who You Hire Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:12:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social networks | SmartRecruiters Blog 32 32 “Today’s Intern is Tomorrow’s CEO,” says Porter Gale Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:44:17 +0000 Porter Gale, author of “Your Network is Your Net Worth,” spoke at the SmartRecruiters HeadQuarters. Yes to Carrots Co-Founder Ido Leffler and Path’s VP of Business Development Matt Van Horn, case studies in the book, joined her on the panel moderated by SmartRecruiters’ Director David Smooke. As we all approach three degrees of separation, businesses […]

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Porter Gale, author of “Your Network is Your Net Worth,” spoke at the SmartRecruiters HeadQuarters. Yes to Carrots Co-Founder Ido Leffler and Path’s VP of Business Development Matt Van Horn, case studies in the book, joined her on the panel moderated by SmartRecruiters’ Director David Smooke.

As we all approach three degrees of separation, businesses are collaborating in new ways. Porter explains how and why we should and can add value to our networks. And that value is shared.

Edited by Dominique Saavedra with help from David Smooke. Filmed by Ely Tran.

Read “Your Network is Your Net Worth.”Learn more about SmartRecruiters, the hiring platform with everything you need to source talent, manage candidates, and make the right hires.

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The Easiest Talent Sources in Each Social Network Tue, 28 May 2013 18:14:39 +0000

The many social networks that recruiters have at their disposal to recruit from can vary in the types of talent they target. We all know Linkedin is great for a multitude of roles but what about Facebook, Twitter and the niche networks? Lets take a look. I’ve heard various things about recruiting on Facebook but […]

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The many social networks that recruiters have at their disposal to recruit from can vary in the types of talent they target. We all know Linkedin is great for a multitude of roles but what about Facebook, Twitter and the niche networks? Lets take a look.

I’ve heard various things about recruiting on Facebook but several large employers have told me they use it mainly to attract recent grads to entry level positions. Facebook is also good for nurses because it’s the social site where the highest percentage of nurses list their profession. So I think its best used to find entry level, healthcare and blue collar talent, but Facebook is still relatively new for recruiting and it has 1 billion profiles so we’ll see how it unfolds.

Hunting for Talent on Social Media - Talent Hunt Social Networking

Talent Hunt with Social Networking

LinkedIn is good for executives at all levels, sales, marketing, and most professional services. One thing I have heard lately is that some tech talent (the really good ones) are hiding their profiles or removing them completely because they are being hounded by recruiters. I will also note that Linkedin is starting to target more recent grads who have to this point, not been as quick to add themselves as fast as older workers. But that will probably change since having a profile is pretty much a requirement for today’s job search.

Twitter on the other hand lends itself better to professions such as writers, social media experts, consultants, freelancers, marketing, advertising, and techies. Of course you’ll find a lot of recruiters on Twitter should you need to hire them as well!

Google Plus is a bit more of a mystery when it comes to recruiting but there’s no denying it is growing fast. Public profiles on G+ definitely have less professional information than LinkedIn but more than the public profiles on Facebook. To get a sense of who’s on G+ use a site like

Pinterest, the fast growing image network, is great if you want to target women since 85% of their audience is female.

Tumblr, the blog network just acquired by Yahoo, is favored by teens. Best to use it to target summer jobs, retail and part-time gigs.

There are plenty of smaller niche social networks as well. Looking for a graphic designer? Behance and Dribbble can help you out. For more techies and programmers try StackOverflow and GitHub. You can even see how well these guys can code via profiles on those networks.

Want more? If you need to target “foodies” try Want gamers? Target or And if you need to find journalists there’s a new site site called Muckrack that has over 10,000 of them.

As the major players like Facebook and Linkedin mature, expect to see more niche sites adding themselves to the recruiting mix. It happened with niche job boards, and it will happen with social networks.


Chris RusselChris Russell is a veteran of the online recruiting industry. Currently he is the CEO and Founder of which helps connect job seekers to employers through social tools and mobile apps. 

SmartRecruiters is the hiring platform with everything you need to source talent, manage candidates and make the right hires.

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Social Presence Attracts Talent Wed, 12 Sep 2012 05:06:58 +0000 Had you said the words “social media” three or four years ago, not too many folks would have known exactly what you were talking about. Oh yeah, Facebook has been around for about 9 years now and Twitter about 6, but within the last 2 years both have experienced an amazing boom! Let’s take the […]

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Had you said the words “social media” three or four years ago, not too many folks would have known exactly what you were talking about. Oh yeah, Facebook has been around for about 9 years now and Twitter about 6, but within the last 2 years both have experienced an amazing boom! Let’s take the Olympics for instance; these games were the most viewed and talked about games ever, and how many times did the coverage say, “And so-and-so tweeted.” Each night NBC had a social media segment with Ryan Seacrest, breaking down the tweets, mentions, likes and interactions. McDonalds, Visa, and many other big brands won their own form of gold in these games, social gold.


On most television programs you will see in the corner of the screen a “#” followed by the program title. The network wants you to get online and join the conversation about their show. At the end of most commercials you see a social media icon, and sometimes even 3 or 4 social media icons; Facebook, Twitter, Google + and/or Pinterest (the fastest growing of them all, especially among the women, “Hey ladies!”)

However other industries are taking note and paying attention to social media. Finally! Advertisers and marketers aren’t the only one’s using social networks more often, so are recruiters, sourcers, hiring managers and human resources.

Many job seekers are reporting employment success via social media, in other words people are being hired based on their LinkedIn, Facebook page, or blog (EDITOR’s NOTE: Volunteer this Give Labor Day to help job seekers improve their online presence / social profiles on Labor Day). More and more employers are sourcing for top talent through social networks. The word of mouth is spreading, the urban legend of being hired through one’s social identity and profile is occurring more frequently. As any good marketer will tell you good word of mouth is the best marketing campaign around.

Why should companies use social media to recruit?

Some of it is generational and some of it is just the tipping point. By using the term, generational – I’m not judging – only making the point, most new and fresh talent has grown up with some type of mobile technology, we used to call these cell phones but now they perform so many more functions, they are really mini computers. Jobs seekers use these iPhones and Droids to research companies, and even, look for work. Top talent wants to work for top companies.

In the “The Tipping Point,” Malcolm Galdwell’s explains, “The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts.” Employers that wish to attract, recruit and attain the best people must keep an eye on external forces and competition for these employees.

Social sourcing is a two-way street. As the economy creeps back to life, jobseekers are looking for the best place to work. They want their friends to see their progressive employer’s Facebook Page and Twitter Account. Everyone wants to work for an employer that (pays well and) supports responsible social engagement.

cost of work

Chris Fields is an HR professional and leadership guy who blogs and dispenses great (not just good) advice at Cost of Work. Connect with Chris via email at Photo Credit



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How to Hire and Recruit on Instagram Wed, 01 Aug 2012 00:18:45 +0000

Just last week Instagram announced it surpassed 80 million register users. The mobile photo sharing tool purchased by Facebook earlier this year is one of the simplest yet fastest growing social networks to date. Users sign up by downloading the app to their mobile phone and begin snapping pictures and adding filters to their photos. […]

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Just last week Instagram announced it surpassed 80 million register users. The mobile photo sharing tool purchased by Facebook earlier this year is one of the simplest yet fastest growing social networks to date. Users sign up by downloading the app to their mobile phone and begin snapping pictures and adding filters to their photos. Photos are shared on the platform as well as distributed through Twitter, Facebook, email, and Flickr. Desktop users can access photos for viewing, but to connect, comment, and engage on Instagram, you must do so completely via your mobile device.

Instagram details of my life through the power of a picture. I’m a long time Instagrammer, having shared nearly 600 photos. Since launching in October of 2010, Instagram users like me have uploaded over 400 million photos.

For recruiters and hiring managers who are dabbling in this platform, they are mostly using Instagram for employer brand. Except that has all changed with the photo sharing platform’s most recent update.

Instagram now offers the ability to “explore” the mobile app searching for users as well as hashtags. Since the platform is purely mobile, recruiters must take to their iphone and android devices. Using the explore platform, you can enter a simple hashtag or keyword like ‘#engineering.’ Instagram not only offers the results of that hashtag but of other like and recommended hashtags like ‘#engineeringmajor.’


Recruit on Instagram


By selecting ‘#engineeringmajor’ on my phone, I have 36 different photos to view. If I click on the bottom left photo, I’m taken to an engineering student’s instagram, @strangeaccomplishment’s account. From his account, I can see he enjoyed app creation and – according to him – is a down to earth dude who has included his Facebook account, so I can then engage with the candidate on Facebook.

These type of mobile recruiting features that Instagram offers have turned the platform – not only into an employer branding tool – but also into a potentially powerful niche recruitment source. Look for the platform to continue to evolve as it integrates more with Facebook, desktop searching and connection features in 2013.

@blogging4jobs blogsJessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a workplace and technology strategist specializing in social media.  She’s an author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. When she talks, people listen.  Also, connect with her on Pinterest @blogging4jobs.

You heard it here first. Share your open positions with SmartRecruiters to leverage our integration with social networks


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How to Evaluate a Twitter Profile Tue, 03 Jul 2012 16:46:29 +0000 Twitter is where the news breaks.  News of Osama bin Laden’s death were tweeted unknowingly by a writer who was spending the weekend in the mountains of Afghanistan. Over 340 million tweets are shared on the world’s second most popular social network every single day. Twitter is also easy to use but overwhelming at the […]

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Twitter is where the news breaks.  News of Osama bin Laden’s death were tweeted unknowingly by a writer who was spending the weekend in the mountains of Afghanistan. Over 340 million tweets are shared on the world’s second most popular social network every single day.

Twitter is also easy to use but overwhelming at the same time.  A new account can be set up in under 5 minutes. This makes the platform appealing to almost anyone from celebrities to politicians to the average Joe. While this type of diversity of users makes recruiting on twitter essential, the open accessibility also makes Twitter a target to spammers, adult entertainment companies, and internet marketers looking to drive website traffic and make a quick buck.

Those users that weather through find that Twitter offers amazing networking and business resources because users are so open and willing to connect.  For recruiters and hiring managers looking to take advantage of Twitter’s open network as a candidate sourcing tool, it can be very rewarding.  When evaluating Twitter accounts in order to connect with people who are relevant to you and your business, it’s important to look for these 4 characteristics:

    • Complete Avatar and Bio. What’s your first impression of their profile? Look for accounts that have a photo of an actual person with a completed bio, including url on their Twitter profile.  Every serious Twitter user drops the standard Twitter avatar, which is an egg, and add their own personal touches.  With so little space to describe the self (a thumbnail picture, a background image & 160 characters bio), each choice is very telling.
    • Two Way Conversation. Is this person having conversations? This is key. See who they are talking to; read their tone. Recruiters connecting with job seekers on this platform can provide passive job seeker recommendations, especially for those hard to fill and extremely competitive positions. Realize that conversations can be faked in any environment, especially Twitter.  A quick visit to a user’s Twitter bio can give you great insights into the user’s tweet patterns and levels of engagement.
    • Savvy Hashtags.  Is this person actively trying to reach relevant audiences? Twitter is as much about jumping into the conversation as it about listening in on the conversation.  Key influencers and industry professionals can provide you opportunities to connect with new conferences, and niche communities all through the power of the hashtag. People learn from them. See which influencers this person is following and retweeting.
  • Quality Content. What’s this person reading/commenting on? Another benefit that Twitter provides is the opportunity for articles and blogs to be shared quickly and easily in 140 characters or less.  Active Twitter users share content and grow their status within their own ecosystem by sharing content to build respect from peers and to serve as a content channel for others.

When evaluating a Twitter profile, examining their avatar/bio, conversations, hashtag usage, and quality of content will give you insight into the depth and authenticity of their perspective. Is this person jumping into conversations, sharing content, being open to new connections while focusing on information relevant to you and your business?

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a workplace and technology strategist specializing in social media.  She’s an author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. On Twitter, Jessica has over 100,000 followers. Also, connect with her on Pinterest @blogging4jobs. Photo Credit Puppetuts


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5 Best Employer Brands on Pinterest Wed, 13 Jun 2012 01:51:06 +0000 Pinterest is the number one social network for women aged 18-34.  The average Pinterest user spends 98 minutes per month on the site. The site’s visitor and its website traffic makes Pinterest attractive to the consumer products companies as valuable option to drives sales and conversations about their brand. Pinterest is also generating conversations from recruiters, […]

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Pinterest is the number one social network for women aged 18-34.  The average Pinterest user spends 98 minutes per month on the site. The site’s visitor and its website traffic makes Pinterest attractive to the consumer products companies as valuable option to drives sales and conversations about their brand. Pinterest is also generating conversations from recruiters, hiring managers, and job seekers alike as visual images are becoming an increasingly popular storytelling tool in recruitment and workfore marketing circles.
Once you determine the conversations that may or may not be happening with your employer brand on Pinterest and if the audience matches your target candidate audience, it’s time to take a look at other brands that are sharing details about company job openings, company culture, and employment branding.

Check out the Top 5 Pinterest Accounts for Recruiting Talent:

5. The New Traditionalists.  Furniture company located in new York city uses their funky and unique style to help recruit employees to their organization through Pinterest.


4. WIU Careers.  A university career services department that provides career advice and assistance for both students and alumni on Pinterest.  Their boards provide insights into the organization but also help for the job seeker.


3. Flex Jobs. Niche job board for the telecommuting and freelance comunity are taking notice of Pinterest and the opportunity for job distribution, SEO and web traffic benefits it provides as well as the reputation one can build with passive and active job seekers.


2. GE Careers.  General Electric not only has a strong employer brand, but their use of Pinterest board to tell a story about their organization and the diverse programs and projects that make up the company that are very compelling.

Taco Bell Careers.  The restaurant industry often times in my mind adapts very quickly to the ever-changing social media and technology landscape when it comes the field of employer branding and workforce marketing.  Taco Bell’s Pinterest boards don’t disappoint.

The bottom line is that Pinterest is still early in its consumer branding and marketing stage.  These 5 companies are on the right employer branding path. This means that many companies – while interested – are still taking a wait and see approach over experimentation when developing their employment brand strategy when it comes to recruiting on Pinterest.  Is your organization using Pinterest to reach this audience for candidate and workforce marketing purposes?  If so, I’d love for you to leave a comment below and share your company’s Pinterest page.

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a workplace technology and social media analyst who is the chief blogger at the leading HR and workplace blog, Blogging4Jobs.  You can follow Jessica’s pinning passions at @blogging4jobs


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Social Media Recruiting: Trending to Commonplace Fri, 11 May 2012 02:36:03 +0000

In 2000, Bill Clinton said, “Today many companies are reporting that their number one constraint on growth is the inability to hire workers with the necessary skills.” Back then, the internet was booming domains, unemployment was 4%, and Mark Zuckerberg was just getting his driver’s license.  Well Bill, you may still find yourself in the […]

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In 2000, Bill Clinton said, “Today many companies are reporting that their number one constraint on growth is the inability to hire workers with the necessary skills.” Back then, the internet was booming domains, unemployment was 4%, and Mark Zuckerberg was just getting his driver’s license.  Well Bill, you may still find yourself in the Oval Office, but you are sitting in a different chair. There are more people on the Facebook today than people on the entire internet in 2004 (Buddy Media). In the social web, identifying who has the necessary skills has become a whole lot easier.

When you search for a fact or anecdote, such as “Facebook’s first hire,” it is not about the experience of typing in “Facebook’s first hire.” There is no interactive experience. Searching for Facebook’s first hire, is about figuring out if Facebook’s first hire was Steve Chen or Taner Halicioglu. NHL’s Social Media Marketing Director Mike DiLorenzo explained, “Social networks aren’t about Web sites. They’re about experiences.”

This means two things for social media’s impact on recruiting:

  • a candidate’s past experiences are more viewable, and
    • candidate engagement on social networks (and through social plugins) can be as important to the recruiting experience as email and phone calls.

David Smooke SmartRecruiters RecruitingIn a recent survey of recruiters, 69% of companies have admitted to rejecting a candidate based on ‘negative things’ found in their social media profile. The less publicized and more important piece of this survey was, 68% of companies admitted to hiring a candidate based on ‘positive things’ found in their social media profile. You are (not counting the margin of error) only 1% more likely to not get hired because of your social media profile as you are to get hired because of your social media profile … What this all means: 7 out of 10 companies consider the social media profile such an accurate and important indicator of work performance that it has determined their decision to hire or not hire someone. Let that sink in.“Social marketing eliminates the middlemen, providing brands the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers,” said Bryan Weiner, CEO at Digital Agency 360i.  Your traits, your history, your skills, and those of your candidates have all become a bit more public. Every time you post online you are building your employment brand. Candidates often build a reputation of your company before they ever interactive with you. And if they haven’t heard of you before, they will often check out your Facebook Page, Twitter Accounts, Blog, and LinkedIn profilesbefore you even hear back from them. Good candidates are well informed of what you do, and are interviewing the company as mush as the company is interviewing him of her.

The survey also revealed that 56% of candidates would actually turn down a job offer if the company bans social media. This expression. This need to express. We all have it. And 56% value the open use of social networks above the immediacy of your paycheck. MmMm, democracy. So when recruiting candidates, show them how their social media content (i.e. their mindset) aligns with your company’s value proposition.

When practicing social media recruiting, remember there are a lot of places to search for the necessary skills and when you find those social profiles you will learn more about their likes and charisma. However, to separate the personas from personalities, you must engage, engage, engage.

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Looking for Work Ain’t for Suckers Thu, 12 Apr 2012 02:36:43 +0000 Ugh looking for work ain’t for suckers. As a jobseeker, I’ve experienced some stuff that made me scratch my head. If you haven’t searched for work in a while consider yourself lucky. However it probably will happen to you or someone you know soon. Be warned, things have changed a bit out there. Lots more […]

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Ugh looking for work ain’t for suckers. As a jobseeker, I’ve experienced some stuff that made me scratch my head. If you haven’t searched for work in a while consider yourself lucky. However it probably will happen to you or someone you know soon. Be warned, things have changed a bit out there. Lots more competition, lots more places to search and communities to source. It’s time consuming and grueling.

Applicants can become tired and weary. They get plenty of calls from many different people, some savvy and professional, some are not. And when you’re upset and feeling helpless an untimely insensitive remark can send you right over the top. It’s really a powder keg ready to explode. On this end of the phone is the aggravated discouraged worker and on the other line we often have the worn out recruiter with no hiring software (except for maybe Excel).

Why is the process so frustrating? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s what the average active job seeker has to deal with.

Job boards, social networks and recruiters:

    • Job BoardsThere are plenty of boards to go around. And each has its own resume posting and application processes. All with different formatting rules, online applications to be filled out and questions to be answered. You can spend over a half hour just to apply for one job.
    • Social NetworksNot to leave any stone unturned, you’ve got to create your profile on the professional network sites. You’ve got to fill out all the sections, get your recommendations (fun), organize your work history in the most positive order and you have to add that awesome photo showcasing all 32 pearly whites.
    • Recruiters. Now the recruitment calls begin. Not all recruiters or recruitment firms are united by SmartRecruiters. That may explain why you may get multiple calls from the same recruitment company for the same position. No one knows who’s doing what. Those same questions over and over can make you wonder if they are paying attention at all.
It’d be real nice if everyone used SmartRecruiter software, that way the job seeker wouldn’t be pushed to the brink of a tumble by a redundant call again.


cost of workChris Fields is an HR professional and leadership guy who blogs and dispenses great (not just good) advice at Cost of Work. Connect with Chris via email at  Photo Credit CognitiveBias.

[Editor’s Note: Last week, a new client called us, raving about how thrilled she was to have all applicants in one place. The client proceeded to tell us a story. Previously, all resumes were kept in a file cabinet. One day the company received a promising resume, and invited the candidate in for an interview. When the candidate arrived, the company realized this face is familiar.  Shortly into the interview, the company realized, GEE WHIZ we have already interviewed this candidate. The file cabinet is NOT where resumes belong.]

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Build Your Employer Brand on Pinterest Wed, 28 Mar 2012 03:32:05 +0000

Last month, I discussed Pinterest recruiting, providing a brief description on how the world’s fastest growing social network can be used for recruiting.  Like any social networking tool when it comes to engagement and relationships, conversations and engagement are key to building your employer brand.  On Pinterest, the conversations happens very differently than the more […]

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Last month, I discussed Pinterest recruiting, providing a brief description on how the world’s fastest growing social network can be used for recruiting.  Like any social networking tool when it comes to engagement and relationships, conversations and engagement are key to building your employer brand.  On Pinterest, the conversations happens very differently than the more traditional social networks like Twitter and Facebook in that photos are “favorited” similar to Facebook’s “like” feature and re-pinned just like Twitter users RT or retweet messages sharing them with their Pinterest network.
One of the drawbacks to Pinterest is its lack of ability to search and connect by a user’s bio by keyword.  A growing percentage of user’s integrate their Facebook profiles and bios, making Google X-ray and Internet sourcing on Pinterest a more appealing recruiting and engagement option than on Facebook’s guarded network.
Pinterest offers an untapped and untested opportunity for companies looking to grow their network and relationships on a new social network. Recruiters can also search by keywords or topics contained within the comments or the photo description to engage targeted job seekers or candidates. Pinterest in my mind offers an important long-term strategy for employer branding that allows companies to be found by job seekers through viral sharing, key words, and other employer branding strategies.  Building your Pinterest network takes patience and time.  Here are four must use strategies to help expedite the employer brand and relationship building process on the hottest social network.


  • Keywords. 
    Include a robust keyword filled description. For example, if you are linking to your company’s day in the life video include not only the company name but specific positions and certifications that appeal to the target candidate’s audience.

  • Link to Your Job Posting or Career Page. 
    After a photo has been pinned to your board, select “edit” on your photo and add a link to you’re the specific job posting or landing page within your career page.  This allows job seekers or interested parties to connect directly with the pinned image you are sharing driving targeted traffic to the page.

  • Shared & Group Boards.
    Create group boards by topic that appeal to customers, employees, or other recruiters to drive conversations as well as traffic to your targeted website pages, blog posts, and other online conversations. Add company brand ambassadors to a board by selecting the “add” option when viewing a specific board making it easier for others to find and share your pinned images, videos, and information.  Boards can be created by any topic.  Some examples include by position, a company culture board, an industry specific board, or by department giving your potential candidate a base a solid sense of your organization and what you stand for.

  • Pin-a-thon. 
    While Twitter chats and tweet-a-thons are common place in the Twitterverse to share job postings, company information, promotions, or blog posts, encourage your recruiters as well as employees to re-pin images sharing them with their own network.  Consider gamifiying the promotion and offer employees an incentive or employee referral opportunity if a candidate is sourced or hired as a direct result of the promotion.

Pinterest is new and untested in the social media, but Pinterest recruiting offers companies the ability to create their employer brand and own candidate experience using this new visual social networking site, potentially paving the road for great innovation within the recruiting and hiring industry.


Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4JobsJessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers. Photo Credit 

 SignUp for SmartRecruiters FREE Social Recruiting Platform. To Build your Employer Branding with Great FREE Career Pages.

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Has LinkedIn Killed the Resume? Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:26:17 +0000

SmartRecruiters’ recruiting software connects businesses with the Internet’s leading job boards, social networks and recruiting services, while also helping to manage the entire hiring process with our applicant tracking and collaboration features. Built on an open SaaS platform, we are in an unique position to innovate quickly and often – introducing new features and business […]

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SmartRecruiters’ recruiting software connects businesses with the Internet’s leading job boards, social networks and recruiting services, while also helping to manage the entire hiring process with our applicant tracking and collaboration features. Built on an open SaaS platform, we are in an unique position to innovate quickly and often – introducing new features and business partners frequently in order to create the best recruiting solution.

LinkedIn announced the launch of a new feature today which makes it even easier for candidates to apply to jobs using their LinkedIn profile instead of a resume. Hiring organizations benefit as this new plugin provides them with more accurate, up-to-date applicant information than a traditional resume. We’re happy to report that SmartRecruiters is one of the first recruiting software platforms to make this feature available to its users and their job applicants.

SmartRecruiters actually offered the first version of the “apply with LinkedIn” button on job ads since 2010 – a feature that both our users and their applicants have used a lot. “The resume should not be on your hard drive, it should be in the cloud – available,” SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternynck said on The Wise Man Show. Up to date candidate information, like a profile furnished from LinkedIn, allows for better “apples to apples” candidate comparisons in our applicant tracking system.

A leader in the development of next generation recruiting software, SmartRecruiters is committed to strengthening the social aspect of hiring through features like our one-click job updates to the leading social networks. Once candidates apply, the emphasis shifts to the collaboration tools we provide to a company’s hiring team – candidate ratings, searchable comments, interview scheduling and reviews – these all make the hiring process more efficient and effective. Hiring Made Easy – that’s what it’s all about at SmartRecruiters.

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