Sean Little | SmartRecruiters Blog You Are Who You Hire Mon, 13 Nov 2017 16:27:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sean Little | SmartRecruiters Blog 32 32 The 5 Be All End All Interview Questions for Entry Level Jobs Wed, 15 Nov 2017 15:00:15 +0000

Entry level jobs can be especially tricky to recruit for. Unlike recruiting for roles that have a more seasoned candidate base, hiring managers often have to read between the lines and determine if a candidate will be successful based on limited work experience and how the candidate presents themselves in the interview process. Because of […]

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Entry level jobs can be especially tricky to recruit for. Unlike recruiting for roles that have a more seasoned candidate base, hiring managers often have to read between the lines and determine if a candidate will be successful based on limited work experience and how the candidate presents themselves in the interview process. Because of this, knowing what to ask the candidate during the interview is integral to a successful hire. When you are ready to interview your next entry-level hire, make sure you keep these 5 questions in mind. (* Updated 15/11/2017)

1. What made you decide to apply for this job?

This one seems obvious but it’s important to ask. You’d be surprised how many candidates can’t really answer this question, or answer it in a way that underwhelms such as “I need a job and this was hiring.” Candor is a plus, and in situations like this is a huge benefit. It gets bad candidates in and out the door faster.

2. What part of your previous experience do you think translates to being successful here?

This can seem like a trick question, especially if the candidate doesn’t have much traditional work experience. What you’re really looking to find out is how quickly a candidate can come up with a cohesive, impactful response. Many entry-level candidates will have little to no experience to call on, so this gives you a peek into how quickly they can solve a problem when there is an obvious barrier in their way.

3. What do you see your day to day being in this role?

This is a must to ask. By asking the candidate to tell you what they see as their day to day responsibilities, you will get a great idea of how well they will fit to the role. If they think they will be running the marketing department as an entry level analyst and refuse to accept why they wouldn’t be given the chance, you can assume they are a bit out of touch and may be a problem to manage later on. If you let them know politely though that they are a bit off and they take it in stride and with an unflagging enthusiasm for the opportunity, there is a good chance you’ve found a winner.

4. How would you approach a superior with a suggestion, problem, or criticism?

This question gives you a peek into how the candidate could handle team dynamics and the problems that may arise, as well as how they deal with addressing issues that may need supervision from management. No one wants a subordinate that’s constantly making a mountain out of a molehill or going over their head on petty issues, but it can be just as damaging if the employee is too timid to bring problems to light until it’s too late. Use this to get an idea of their conflict resolution skills and how much confidence they have in dealing with uncomfortable situations.

5. What do you hope to learn from this job?

This is a round of finding out their strengths and weaknesses.

Sure, you can ask them that directly, but do you think any candidate will actually tell you they are horrible at reports or have never run a campaign for a client? Entry-level candidates will probably have a lot they want to learn, so pay close attention to what they say as compared to their resume or previous experiences and why. Couple this with how much training you can provide for the role and you’ll be able to tell how well the prospect matches up. If they are looking to learn an entirely new skill set and you don’t have the time train, the position may not be the best fit and you’d want to look for someone looking to grow their current skillset more fully through daily application. Conversely, if you have a strong training program and the person is extra motivated to start on something new and could make a big impact, it only makes sense that you hire and train them, not give the position to someone that would be uninterested in receiving training for new skills.


The questions you ask in the interview process will vary greatly depending on a variety of factors. With entry-level candidates though you can usually ask two to three of the above questions to get a good feel for how they would perform in your company and the role. You know your company and the position best, so feel free to adapt these questions as you see fit. Best of luck making your next great entry level hire.


sean littleSean Little is the VP of Marketing for FirstJob matches current students and recent college graduates with internships and quality career opportunities. Sean also runs FirstJob’s campus ambassador program at campuses across the country, helping students learn marketing topics while connecting them with top brands and job opportunities.

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Millennial Recruitment is Not About Free Lunches Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:19:30 +0000

Employee retention is always a hot button issue. Anyone in HR knows about Google, Facebook, Zappos, and other major brands that are legendary for offering a multitude of perks to their employees, perks that are intended to keep them happy and with the company for years to come. Many companies believe in order to attract […]

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Employee retention is always a hot button issue. Anyone in HR knows about Google, Facebook, Zappos, and other major brands that are legendary for offering a multitude of perks to their employees, perks that are intended to keep them happy and with the company for years to come. Many companies believe in order to attract candidates and maintain a high rate of retention they must follow the leader and provide free food, dry cleaning, bus rides, etc. This is especially true when it comes to millennial talent, as story after story paints them as fickle, disloyal, and unreliable professionals that need to constantly be given the latest and greatest to keep their attention.

Companies that believe they can win the retention battle with millennials solely by offering the latest and greatest perks are in for a rude awakening though. Recent studies have revealed that when it comes to attracting and retaining top millennial talent, HR directors need to focus more on matching motivations and giving their employees the tools to help them grow rather than a free lunch.

While it’s in vogue right now to pan millennials for their perceived entitlement or lack of work ethic, millennials aren’t all that difficult to manage if given the right tools and motivation. The millennial work force is the largest in US History, with nearly half of workers of the active US work force being defined as millennial by 2020. While they are often portrayed with an air of mystery, millennials deep down are just like any other generation; they ultimately want a career in which they can feel fulfilled, grow, and make an impact. Unlike previous generations though, what they value and define as fulfilled differs. A hefty paycheck, while valued, is not the sole motivating factor for millennials. The opportunity to grow and develop as a professional is now rated as a top concern, with millennials marking it as their third most important consideration when selecting a company to apply to and work for.

When considering a plan of how to retain employees, always keep growth in mind. Ultimately you goal is to help facilitate the success of your company by bringing in the right hires and retaining them as they develop as a professional. The best types of employees are the ones that want to be there and value their work as well as the company. Millennials especially desire to join and grow with a company that matches up their values, gives them transparent, honest, and direct feedback, and helps them develop as a professional. As many millennials are recent graduates this guidance and feedback is integral to not only their success but in the success of the company as well. Treat their growth as you would the growth of your company. At the end of the day their success is your success, and a well developed plan to foster transparency and growth with your new hires will pay dividends.


sean littleSean Little is the VP of Marketing for FirstJob matches current students and recent college graduates with internships and quality career opportunities. Sean also runs FirstJob’s campus ambassador program at campuses across the country, helping students learn marketing topics while connecting them with top brands and job opportunities. Post a job to through SmartRecruiters.

Related Reading:

  1. 6 Best Job Sites for Internship Search
  2. Offer a Full-time Position to Your Intern – Right Now!
  3. How to Master Interviewing Interns cc: Columbo
  4. How Millennials Can Thrive in Your Workplace
  5. Identifying the 10 Soft Skills of a Great Intern
The post Millennial Recruitment is Not About Free Lunches first appeared on SmartRecruiters Blog.]]>