Millennial Generation | SmartRecruiters Blog You Are Who You Hire Thu, 11 Jan 2018 10:10:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Millennial Generation | SmartRecruiters Blog 32 32 Hire18 Speaker Preview: John Sumser Mon, 08 Jan 2018 14:46:33 +0000

It’s not often you come across someone who’s actually seen it all, but as HR Tech continues to boom, there’s one person who can walk you through the industry’s entire technological evolution, and it’s that kind of past that can most clearly see the future. John Sumser has been in this game so long he […]

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It’s not often you come across someone who’s actually seen it all, but as HR Tech continues to boom, there’s one person who can walk you through the industry’s entire technological evolution, and it’s that kind of past that can most clearly see the future.

John Sumser has been in this game so long he once had the ignominious honor of advising the founders of Yahoo that “you can’t possibly make money with a web index.” His first foray into coding involved punch cards, his sales experience goes back as far as selling doughnuts door to door, and his seasonal work was once strictly of the winter variety, when he’d don a Santa suit to earn some extra cash.

With a lifetime of hits and misses, tech triumphs tempered by human error, John’s seen it all, and now wears more hats than the California Angels’ starting lineup at HRExaminer, where, as founder, editor-in-chief and prime contributor, he delves into all things HR, from leaders’ profiles to the trends and ideas that will push the industry forward.

One of John’s current areas of interest is how the cultural differences between the generations are changing the workplace. He introduced this idea last year to the top 500 employers in Canada,  where Al Gore was the warm-up act (although Gore might prefer calling it a lead-off keynote).

John will bring his vast and variegated experience to Hiring Success 18, March 12-14 in San Francisco. For anyone seeking insight into any facet of HR Tech and where it’s headed in the near and distant future, John Sumser is a speaker that you can’t afford to miss. Register here and see you in San Francisco!

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5 Common Sense Approaches to Hiring Millennial Talent Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:22:29 +0000

Nancy Altobello is a big fan of millennials. Altobello, Vice Chair of Talent at EY, shared her thoughts on the changing global professional landscape and how companies can attract and nourish top talent–particularly among recent college graduates–at Universum’s Employer Branding Conference this morning in New York. Talent, and recruiting it, aren’t just on the minds of […]

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Nancy Altobello is a big fan of millennials.

Altobello, Vice Chair of Talent at EY, shared her thoughts on the changing global professional landscape and how companies can attract and nourish top talent–particularly among recent college graduates–at Universum’s Employer Branding Conference this morning in New York.

Talent, and recruiting it, aren’t just on the minds of campus reps and college seniors, says Altobello, noting that in a world where everything is increasingly more complex, talented, skilled labor is more important than ever before–and there’s less of it.

common sense

“Talent is now being viewed as an important resources by executives and by boards,” Altobello told Forbes. ”The dichotomy of talent being more important and less available has invented an executive issue.”

Below are Altobello’s observations about how to recruit and hang onto top-notch millennial employees.

1. They’re not all running for the door–if you can keep them interested. 

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that millennials only tend to stay in each job an average of 18 months. Altobello says this doesn’t have to be the case.

“We’re starting to hear from a lot of people who’ve had two jobs in three years and want to stay somewhere,” she says. “But the work has to be interesting, they don’t want to keep doing the same thing.”

2. When it comes to compensation, cash is still king.

In this way millennials are just like professionals at every other stage of their careers; the best way to attract and keep the best and brightest is to pay them well.

 3. To younger professionals, flexibility is almost as important as salary.

Altobello says in this context flexibility means millennials want choices about how to deliver a job well done. With the understanding that deadlines and client needs must always be met, they want options about where and when they work–and they want their managers clearly on board.

“People are looking for approval around flexibility.”

 4. Millennials want to be regularly evaluated and advance quickly–but they’ll do the work to get there.

It’s a regular drumbeat about millennials: They want to be constantly told how they’re doing and see the payoff.

Altobello says managers need to understand that this is a population accustomed to “quick knowledge”–they grew up contacting their parents over cell phones with a single question, or consulting Google–and to view this as an opportunity. A yearly performance review is simply not the right approach.

“They want the trophies,” says Altobello, “but they’re very willing to earn them.”

5. On-the-job training is essential. 

According to an annual survey by Accenture of soon-to-graduate college seniors and graduates of the classes of 2012 and 2013, 80% of 2014 graduates expect to be formally trained by their first employer, but 52% of professionals who graduated from college within the past two years say they received no training in their first job.

Altobello says the best way to meet your company’s demand for skilled labor is to invest in developing current employees.

“So many skills are teachable and coachable. Most important is on-the-job training. Move them fast through a lot of experiences.”


@KathrynDillFollow me on Twitter @KathrynDillThis article was written by Kathryn Dill from Forbes and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Learn more about SmartRecruiters, your workspace to find and hire great people.

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