networking | SmartRecruiters Blog You Are Who You Hire Fri, 30 Aug 2019 08:02:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 networking | SmartRecruiters Blog 32 32 A Night at the Theater: Looking Behind the Curtain of The Hiring Success EU Afterparty Tue, 27 Aug 2019 11:00:00 +0000

A venue trapped in time, surprise artistic performances, and limitless cheese options—these are only some of the wonders you can expect in Amsterdam. Hidden behind the glitz and glamor of the Dutch capital’s inner city lies a narrow street that feels worlds apart from the shiny Rokin and Dam squares, despite running parallel to them. […]

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A venue trapped in time, surprise artistic performances, and limitless cheese options—these are only some of the wonders you can expect in Amsterdam.

Hidden behind the glitz and glamor of the Dutch capital’s inner city lies a narrow street that feels worlds apart from the shiny Rokin and Dam squares, despite running parallel to them. On a normal night, walking down this passage—called “The Nes”—requires jockeying for position between pedestrians and passing cyclists. You might feel as if you’ve been transported to the early 1900s with all the stone architecture, cozy houses, and theaters luring you closer with the promise of music and drink.

On this particular night, however, you will be surprised to find a red carpet juxtaposed with urban sprawl, inviting you to walk inside, past a giant wooden door. Passing through the looming edifice with the words “Tobacco Theater” etched overhead, you will find SmartRecrutiers’ flagship afterparty, the can’t-miss event of our Hiring Success conferences. This year’s celebration—made possible by Xref, our official party sponsors—is no exception.

Network with your peers, cocktails in hand, as you explore this centuries-old tobacco auction house that now plays host to one of Amsterdam’s biggest music events: the Red light Jazz Festival. Discover hidden corners throughout the building, engage with Hiring Success speakers, and bounce from one entertaining performance to the next. Of course, don’t forget to indulge yourself at the cheese stations and take in the sounds of the live band, bringing the atmosphere of Amsterdam’s street life into the theater for one special night thanks to our partners at Xref.  

You’d be hard-pressed to experience the ambiance of Amsterdam in a more historic space. So while you’re there, seize the opportunity to make new connections and digest the day’s learnings. The venue’s art-meets-business vibe, delicious food, and inspiring company are guaranteed to recharge you for another nonstop day of demos, panels, labs, awards, and interactive sessions.

Still haven’t secured your ticket for the industry’s coolest afterparty? Head over to the Hiring Success EU website and we’ll see you in Amsterdam!

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Carnival on the Pier: Smarty Party, Hiring Success 19 – Americas Wed, 13 Feb 2019 18:14:14 +0000

Food trucks, giant Jenga, LED hula hoopers, and a cupcake Ferris wheel – these are just some of the colorful delights you can expect at this year’s Smarty Party. After Colin O’Brady’s shares with us his record-breaking journey solo and unaided across Antarctica, join us downstairs for another spectacular Smarty Party! (See full agenda here.) […]

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Food trucks, giant Jenga, LED hula hoopers, and a cupcake Ferris wheel – these are just some of the colorful delights you can expect at this year’s Smarty Party.

After Colin O’Brady’s shares with us his record-breaking journey solo and unaided across Antarctica, join us downstairs for another spectacular Smarty Party! (See full agenda here.)

Who doesn’t love a carnival? Adulting is great, but every once in a while it’s important to unwind with whimsey and just have fun. The Smarty Party is a can’t miss event at each of our conferences, and Hiring Success 19 – Americas is no exception. Network with your peers while trying not to topple a tower of giant Jenga blocks, or follow up with speakers at the pop-a-shot hoop. Indulge in some childhood nostalgia with oversized Connect Four, and make sure to grab a sweet from the cupcake Ferris wheel!

As the sun sets on our jam-packed first day, LED hula hoopers take the floor to dazzle us with a personal light show, followed by onsite food trucks with all your California style favorites, from empanadas to delicious Asian fusion.

And what carnival is complete without cotton candy or food on a stick? Don’t worry, we have that too!

At Pier 27, attendees get to enjoy a sweeping view of San Francisco’s iconic bay. While some work trips relegate you to little more than hotel lobbies or conference halls, the Hiring Success conference takes pride in imbuing every event with the spirit of the city. San Francisco has always been a place for creatives and dreamers, from the artists and activists of the 60s, to the innovative tech minds of today. We invite you to take a cue from the Golden City and reimagine what Talent Acquisition could be.

Speaking of the future, don’t forget the big debate on our second day: What can robots do that people can’t? And, how far do we go with selection by algorithm? TA industry vet and noted disruptor Bill Boorman will facilitate an interactive debate with live audience commentary. We have assembled two teams, practitioners vs data scientists, and you get to vote in real-time polls. This is a perfect time to discuss your arguments and gain insight from other practitioners.

While you’re there, seize this opportunity to make new connections, process the day’s learnings, and follow up with presenters who sparked your interest. The scenic vistas, classic games, and inspiring company (no scary clowns, we promise) will ensure you are recharged and ready for another nonstop day of demos, panels, labs, awards, and interactive sessions.

See you there!

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6 Strategic Networking Tips for Recruiters that Crush Awkwardness Fri, 01 Feb 2019 10:38:30 +0000

Talent Acquisition is a networking game, be sure you are playing to win… even if the idea of networking makes you want to curl up into a ball. As much as we want to hide behind our screens, sometimes we have to dust off our in-person social skills and go make some connections IRL. There […]

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Talent Acquisition is a networking game, be sure you are playing to win… even if the idea of networking makes you want to curl up into a ball.

As much as we want to hide behind our screens, sometimes we have to dust off our in-person social skills and go make some connections IRL. There are benefits to networking on and offline, but there’s nothing like a face-to-face meeting to solidify a contact, and can be the difference between your email being responded to, or ignored.

Most people know why it’s important to network – career growth, knowledge expansion, and gaining new business being the primary reasons. So what’s the downside? Maybe networking doesn’t come naturally to you. It’s ok, you are not alone. Networking can feel weird, artificial, and awkward. Or maybe you tried networking and didn’t get that much out of it. You met some people, but what now?

If either of these scenarios applies to you, these tips will help you feel at ease as you gain contacts, and guide your efforts so your networking becomes a strategic career-boosting knowledge-gathering candidate-meeting machine.

Also check out these icebreaker tips from NPR’s Fresh Air host, Terry Gross.

1. Host your own event

When you host your own event, you can be sure to reach your target audience, rather than hoping the right people will be there. It doesn’t have to be grand affair; start small, and grow over time.

Another upside to being a host is that it gives you purpose for approaching guests and makes interacting feel more natural. Welcome guests and show them around the space to break the ice!

2. Study up

Even if you aren’t a host, you can still have purpose. Making a game plan will help you feel better about approaching people during networking events.

Take a look at the guest list and identify some key people with whom you want to speak. Depending on the scenario, you can message them before and plan to meet, or approach them at the event with knowledge of mutual contacts and interests.

3. Prepare your profile

Make sure your LinkedIn is up to date, including a recent (that means within the last three years folks) profile picture and accurate work information so people can easily find you.

4. Debrief, like right away

After the event or even between conversations (to give yourself a well-deserved people break) take notes about your conversations and who to follow up with, on your phone or in a notebook.

5. Understand different personality types

Not all of us connect in the same way, but a recruiter’s ability to make others more comfortable is what sets them apart. In order to be a more engaged and effective networker, you should understand the different Myers-Briggs personality types that you’re likely to come across at events.

It can not only help you better tailor your communication style with someone, but also help you recognize the different personalities that work best in the roles you’re recruiting for. If someone is more reserved, for example, it might be more effective to control the conversation yourself, as opposed to relying on them to do so.

6. Listen and build a rapport

When meeting people, whether in person or over the phone or email, it’s crucial to set yourself apart from other recruiters and organizations. Make sure you’re actively listening and showing your engagement by asking follow-up questions and keeping eye contact, not just preparing your next question. This should allow the conversation to flow more naturally, and help you get a better idea of how this person would fit into your company culture. Getting to know candidates by learning about their personal passions is also a great way to show your interest in them and prove your organization’s dedication to their needs.

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“The Only Icebreaker You’ll Ever Need”: Recruiting Takeaways from Terry Gross’ Conversation How-Tos Wed, 05 Dec 2018 16:56:13 +0000

Here’s what the TA industry should learn from NPR’s “Fresh Air” host as she lays out her conversation fundamentals for the New York Times. Recruiting is all about conversations – with candidates, hiring managers, leadership, you name it. As a whole, recruiters tend to be an outgoing bunch, but there’s more to quality conversations than not […]

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Here’s what the TA industry should learn from NPR’s “Fresh Air” host as she lays out her conversation fundamentals for the New York Times.

Recruiting is all about conversations – with candidates, hiring managers, leadership, you name it. As a whole, recruiters tend to be an outgoing bunch, but there’s more to quality conversations than not being shy. That’s where Terry Gross comes in.

After 40 years in radio and thousands of interviews, Gross has learned a thing or two about talking to people. Her catalog includes famous personalities like Stephen Colbert, reclusive celebrities like author Zadie Smith, and interesting unknowns like Marine Corps Mortuary Affairs officer Jessica Goodell.

Comedian Marc Maron named Gross as “the most effective and beautiful interviewer of people on the planet” and, in 2016, former President Barrack Obama awarded her the National Humanities Medal. Yet, Gross’ career started humbly back in the 1970s when she landed a job with the Buffalo radio station WBFO after struggling to find her way in post-collegiate life.

Through Gross’ many-many encounters with the wide spectrum that is humanity, she’s walked away with several tenets to live by, and though you, as a recruiter, may never find yourself interviewing foreign dignitaries or movie stars, conversations are key to good recruiting!

Follow along with Gross to see what your interactions are missing!

*Photo via Terry Gross’ Twitter

Be funny, and if not, be organized

“A good conversationalist is somebody who is fun to talk to,” says Gross. Yet, not everyone can be humorous all the time. When gravity is the order of the day, organized and clear communication is a close second to levity. This is especially true for interviews where clarity is key.

Know who owes you an answer… and who doesn’t

Gross makes the comparison between a politician and an artist; the former “owes” the public answers, while the latter doesn’t. Before pushing on a question, ask yourself under which category this person belongs, and if the question you are asking is ‘need to know’. Let’s look at two examples:

A hiring manager passes on a stellar candidate and is evasive about why.

Push! This is a colleague and the information is pertinent to your job… check out below to learn how to push like a pro.

You ask a candidate why they left their old job and their answer is vague.

Move on! A vague answer doesn’t necessarily reflect negatively on the applicant. Perhaps they are nervous to say anything bad about their former employer, or they could have experienced harassment or bullying. Either way, a better question to ask is why they applied for the job they are interviewing for now.

Here’s how to get an answer when you need it

If you already have determined that this question should—and must—be answered, then keep asking. “[I] keep asking and re-asking and asking,” says Gross, “and maybe I’ll ask it in separate ways, and maybe I’ll point out that they haven’t yet answered the question.”

If you don’t want to seem too pushy, explaining why you need an answer is a good strategy. Referring to the above example, you could inform the hiring manager that you need a specific reason for why they rejected the candidate so you can refer stronger applicants in the future.

Prepare, preferably overly so

“It helps to organize your thoughts beforehand by thinking about the things you expect you’ll be asked and then reflecting on how you might answer,” says Gross.

Applied to recruiting, this advice means having a clear idea of what you need from the conversation, the relevant role-criteria, and a concrete value proposition for the candidate. Having structured questions, i.e. a predefined list of questions you asking each interview helps to avoid bias, so win-win.

Curiosity killed the cat, not the interviewer, so get interested

Gross says the key to engagement is “being genuinely curious, and wanting to hear what the other person is telling you. I can respond to what somebody is saying by expressing if I’m feeling sympathy or empathy, and explaining why.”

Another way to describe this is “being present”. As a recruiter, you may talk to 20 candidates in a day about the same job. It may begin to feel like a repetitive factory line. To avoid checking out, practice mindfulness and be keenly aware of the present moment, paying particular attention to the person being interviewed.… they’re a beautifully complex and infinite human being after all.

End the conversation gracefully

If you are trapped in an endless conversation Gross prescribes some sugar-coated honesty. For example, “Well, there’s the truth, which is ‘I’d love to talk some more, but I’m really late.’”

“Late” is not a great excuse if you are at a networking event. In this case, using the restroom, needing to call home to check on the kids, or introducing a third person into the conversation are all tactful exits.

“Tell me about yourself”… a.k.a. the ultimate icebreaker

Gross recommends this simple phrase for any awkward conversation. Say you’re driving cross-country with a friend’s boyfriend – à la When Harry met Sally – or stuck in a broken elevator with a coworker, these four words will carry you through any situation.

Gross points out that it’s one of the few questions (though not technically a question) that make no presuppositions. Even the classic “what do you do?” query assumes the person has a job or profession that defines them. “Tell me about yourself” allows the responder to guide the conversation and set their own boundaries.


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LinkedIn Acquires the Employee Engagement Platform and Announces Overhaul of Recruiting Tools – All in One Week! Thu, 11 Oct 2018 14:24:54 +0000

The social network, now under the wing of Microsoft, continues to acquire startups, and expand its offering. Why build it if you can buy it? Founded in 2002 LinkedIn, the world’s largest business networking site has acquired a total of 21 companies in its assent to eminence. A number which includes three acquisitions since becoming […]

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The social network, now under the wing of Microsoft, continues to acquire startups, and expand its offering.

Why build it if you can buy it? Founded in 2002 LinkedIn, the world’s largest business networking site has acquired a total of 21 companies in its assent to eminence. A number which includes three acquisitions since becoming a subsidiary of Microsoft in June of 2016; with the latest prize, Glint – an employee management platform – announced on Monday.

With almost 600 million users to date, LinkedIn has made no secret of wanting to expand their reach into phases of the employee lifecycle beyond hiring, and Glint is one more acquisition, in a long line of acquisitions, that will help them do just that. CRM and employee education are two examples of areas where LinkedIn is hoping to engage companies and boost profits, and now, with Glint, employee engagement is likely to be the third.

Since its launch in 2013, Glint has raised $80 million in the past two years and, in the latest valuation, was estimated to be worth $220 million. Microsoft, however, was willing to shell out almost twice that amount purchasing the startup for $400 million reports CNBC.

Glint’s mission is to help organizations, and managers, turn employee feedback into actionable results through surveys and data collection. Basically, it helps employers understand if their workers are happy, and in the current economy where tech talent is scarce and flighty, that’s actually vital information to know.

LinkedIn itself was a former Glint customer, naming the platform as a “top startup” for the last two years. The VP of talent solution, careers, and learning for LinkedIn, Daniel Shapero, says of the merger, “I’m so excited for the potential of what we can do together. We believe that Glint has uncovered a modern HR best practice that every company should do: Regularly gather employee feedback on work, culture, and leadership, and give leaders the tools they need to translate those insights into action.”

Glint will continue to operate as a salient entity under the leadership of the current CEO and founder, Jim Barnet, and no disruption in service to current customers is expected during the integration, which is estimated to take between 12-18 months.

On the heels of the Glint news, LinkedIn also announced that it will double down on what it’s known for – recruiting! With a total rebuild of it’s recruiting suite which will include “Talent H” an ATS for small-to-medium-size businesses as well as sourcing tools with diversity insights. A strong message to rising competitors like ZipRecruiter and Facebook that LinkedIn isn’t afraid to innovate, and a 130 percent spike in profits reported at the end of its fiscal year in June means they have the money to do it too.

“We’re not operating under the same rules as before,” John Jersin, LinkedIn’s VP of Talent Solutions admitted in a recent interview. “Candidates can be found online, and the process is more agile [than it used to be]. So we are evolving our product roadmap to [match] the talent ecosystem.”

Image via LinkedIn.

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Not Your Ordinary HR Conference: The Hiring Success 18 Sizzle Reel is Here Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:00:28 +0000

Keen to rejig the status quo, SmartRecruiters pulled out all the stops for this year’s Hiring Success conference. Need proof? Check out the Hire18 sizzle reel and see for yourself. In typical San Francisco fashion, March was cold, wet, and foggy. Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the Hyatt Regency in the city’s historic Embarcadero crackled, as […]

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Keen to rejig the status quo, SmartRecruiters pulled out all the stops for this year’s Hiring Success conference. Need proof? Check out the Hire18 sizzle reel and see for yourself.

In typical San Francisco fashion, March was cold, wet, and foggy. Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the Hyatt Regency in the city’s historic Embarcadero crackled, as SmartRecruiters welcomed nearly 1000 recruiting and TA professionals from across the globe to share insights, network, and discuss the future of the recruiting industry at our annual Hiring Success conference.

For 48 hours, the Hyatt glowed bright green as top industry analysts, thought-leaders, and speakers took to four stages with topics running the gamut from technological innovation to workplace empathy.

In addition to a seam-bursting schedule, Hiring Success 18 ushered in exciting company announcements including an AI recruiting assistant, on-demand analytics, and all that was just in SmartRecruiters CEO Jerome Ternynck’s opening keynote.

Between sessions, attendees perused vendor and sponsor booths, observed the first ever recruiting Hackathon, which saw the talented team at Visa create an internal mobility add-on for the SmartRecruiters platform in just 24 caffeinated hours. Attendees also found out why bested the competition to become the Recruiting Startup of the Year.

Finally, no Hiring Success conference is complete without a rousing SmartParty. This year we served up unparalleled views of the San Francisco skyline — along with a taste of the VIP lifestyle — from the decks of the mighty California Hornblower yacht.

Check out the post-wrap sizzle reel below as you try and try to stifle your FOMO. We are already planning for next year’s event, so be sure to mark your calendars and we’ll see you at Hiring Success 19!

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Wo/Men Inc. A New Initiative Wed, 21 Feb 2018 15:30:28 +0000

One venture-capital superstar. One HR Tech vice-president. Put them together and what do you get? Something of the time, and something for the future as well. For some people, there is a phantom thread being pulled through the fabric of their careers. And when that thread happens to be philanthropic, the more such a person […]

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One venture-capital superstar. One HR Tech vice-president. Put them together and what do you get? Something of the time, and something for the future as well.

For some people, there is a phantom thread being pulled through the fabric of their careers. And when that thread happens to be philanthropic, the more such a person succeeds, so do others. In the case of Wo/Men Inc, launched today in Berlin, the thread finds purchase in a platform that, through a vast business network and a series of curated events, supports career-focused women as they build meaningful professional networks – ones that will grow with them throughout their professional lives.

For co-founders Lea Vajnorsky and Robin Haak, it’s been a natural career progression to Wo/Men Inc. For Lea, through her female-focused initiatives with VC firm Redstone and the NOAH conference. For Robin, as SmartRecruiters global VP, minimizing bias and stressing inclusivity in recruiting. There’s much to say, so let’s hear it from them, in their own words.

How did you two meet?

Lea: I met Robin when we both worked at Axel Springer back in 2012. We became good friends, and have been working together since last November, and the result is or Wo/Men Inc initiatve.

How did the idea for Wo/Men Inc come together?

Lea: When I was working with the NOAH conference, Marco, the founder and CEO, encouraged me to work on strategies for female entrepreneurs, and from there, the idea for this started to blossom. After I organized a networking breakfast last November, I understood there is a need for a platform that focuses on women, but also includes men. While talking to Robin about it on the phone, the idea came together, and I felt that feeling, kind of like the one you get when you fall in love.

Robin: She’s right. When an idea just hits – that spark, that chemistry – it feels like being in love. Everyone is seeking that feeling, and it can be about a business idea as much as about a person. I just knew Wo/Men Inc was going to be great.

What makes you think your co-founder is the right person for the job?

Lea: We’ve known each other long enough to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Our business relationship is grounded on a very stable friendship.

Why set up this organization now?

Robin: I think different generations face different problems. Something similar to Wo/Men Inc should and could have been there all along. We admire and honor any organisation tackling these topics and trying to make a positive impact.

Why is this topic so important to you?

Robin: I co-founded a company called Jobspotting, which has helped millions of people find jobs, but diversity is a larger topic. At the moment we are working on an artificial intelligence recruitment product which we will launch with SmartRecruiters in March, that will hopefully help filter any gender or racial bias on the part of recruiters. Wo/Men Inc is closely related to this, and gives us the opportunity to see actual outcomes.

What do you see as your biggest challenges as you get things started?

Lea: We both have day jobs so it isn’t easy to do this on weekends and late night to get things done but we are fully committed. I think another open concern is, how big will it really get? We want to change the world, we want Toni Garn, Waris Dirie and Sheryl Sandberg and so many others join this movement. We want to make money we can donate globally. As is every entrepreneur, we are challenging ourselves, and the challenge is to fight the fear.

What is your strategy for your upcoming events – in what areas do you want your message to most resonate?

Robin: We will have standalone events in Berlin, Frankfurt, San Francisco as planned. We will partner with NOAH in Tel Aviv, and we will host a female reception by Wo/men Inc in March. We will also do satellite events, like we did with Becycle in Berlin, which allowed us to donate over 1,000 euros from 30 participants to the Desert Flower Foundation.

Which existing organizations do you see as allies? Which ones would be considered competition?

Lea: We don’t have competitors, really. We have a great network of friends around the world, who approach issues like gender equality and workplace diversity from many different angles, and we can’t wait to connect with them more.


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“Today’s Intern is Tomorrow’s CEO,” says Porter Gale Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:44:17 +0000 Porter Gale, author of “Your Network is Your Net Worth,” spoke at the SmartRecruiters HeadQuarters. Yes to Carrots Co-Founder Ido Leffler and Path’s VP of Business Development Matt Van Horn, case studies in the book, joined her on the panel moderated by SmartRecruiters’ Director David Smooke. As we all approach three degrees of separation, businesses […]

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Porter Gale, author of “Your Network is Your Net Worth,” spoke at the SmartRecruiters HeadQuarters. Yes to Carrots Co-Founder Ido Leffler and Path’s VP of Business Development Matt Van Horn, case studies in the book, joined her on the panel moderated by SmartRecruiters’ Director David Smooke.

As we all approach three degrees of separation, businesses are collaborating in new ways. Porter explains how and why we should and can add value to our networks. And that value is shared.

Edited by Dominique Saavedra with help from David Smooke. Filmed by Ely Tran.

Read “Your Network is Your Net Worth.”Learn more about SmartRecruiters, the hiring platform with everything you need to source talent, manage candidates, and make the right hires.

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3 Ways to Nurture Your Employee Alumni Fri, 14 Oct 2011 16:44:47 +0000 When an employee tenders their resignation and makes their announcement to the world that they are leaving your organization, companies don’t often see this as an Opportunity presented. What I mean is that when your employee gives their notice, the trollers, the shit stirrers, and the negative Nancy’s come out of the woodwork directing their […]

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When an employee tenders their resignation and makes their announcement to the world that they are leaving your organization, companies don’t often see this as an Opportunity presented. What I mean is that when your employee gives their notice, the trollers, the shit stirrers, and the negative Nancy’s come out of the woodwork directing their time, energy, and effort to the soon to be ex-employee. Because when most people resign from a company, there’s a reason, and these nay sayers can commiserate, share stories, and share the love or hate of said organization with one another.

I first experienced this phenomenon myself as an when I resigned from a position as HR Manager because I needed to relocate. As word spread across my office that I was leaving, more people than ever before casually stopped by. People made an effort to say hi, ask questions, and share with me their real feelings and opinions about the company, the management, and their grievances – all without holding back.

When an employee makes the decision to leave an organization, the company has an opportunity to turn what people often see as a negative into a positive especially if the employee’s move, relocation, or job change isn’t the usual suspect. And by usual suspects I mean bad managers, too little pay, or just plain angry reasons. Companies can capitalize on this positive exit and continue to foster a relationship by leveraging this happy group of alumni employees.

The idea is that happy employees have happy friends and those friends might be the right person or persons to work within your organization maybe now, 8 months or three years from now.  Let your former employees better your brand. Facilitating this relationship can be accomplished several different ways:

    • Newsletter. You can continue to keep in touch with those happy ex-employees using a paper newsletter or email format. This means talking to them about more than the company picnic and focusing on topics, news, and information that they might be interested in hearing about. And to find out what exactly that is, it means that you ask them directly using a survey, questionnaire, or just a phone call for instant feedback. HP has a great employee alumni community on the internet.
    • Alumni Reunion. Sometimes I wonder what happened to my friends at past organizations where I worked, and I’d like to touch base. Alumni reunions offer a unique opportunity to reunite old friends and co-workers that sends a message about how you care about current as well as former employees. Events like this allow for increased networking opportunities, employee referral conversations, and just plain fun which are all good things to have both at work and in life.
    • Online Alumni GroupsFacebook and LinkedIn 0ffer great online opportunities to continue to build relationships with past employees being available to answer common HR questions like “Where’s my W-2?” or “How long does COBRA Insurance last?”
      By providing a platform to answer questions and concerns you are continuing to add value, build brand, and keep the likelihood that employees and ex-employees will file complaints with government entities like the DOL, NLRB, or EEOC. has a comprehensive list of online alumni group networks for employer examples.

Employees – both current and former – offer the unique opportunity to continue branding, building relationships, and promoting your company. Good referrals matter. When an employee leaves an organization, companies are presented with an opportunity. The benefits of alumni networking relationships promote your company – helping to fill open positions and bring in new top notch professionals – long after employees depart the organization.

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR is a HR consultant, new media strategist, and author who writes at Blogging4Jobs. Jessica is the host of Job Search Secrets, an internet television show for job seekers.

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