{"id":8824,"date":"2012-06-04T17:29:16","date_gmt":"2012-06-05T00:29:16","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/static\/blog\/?p=8824"},"modified":"2017-10-17T10:13:11","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T17:13:11","slug":"hiring-good-vs-great-salespeople","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/hiring-good-vs-great-salespeople\/","title":{"rendered":"Hiring Good vs. Great Salespeople"},"content":{"rendered":"

It\u2019s in their DNA. It can\u2019t be taught with a book or through a weekend seminar. It\u2019s just there, or it\u2019s not. It\u2019s what separates a good salesperson, from a great one. If you\u2019re looking to hire the best of the best, you have to know what to look for, and you have to know how to separate the hunter from the farmer.<\/p>\n

There are a few tell tale signs to look for in your candidates. Now don\u2019t get me wrong, your company won\u2019t suffer with good salespeople \u2013 in fact you may hit targets and do just fine. But, you\u2019ll start seeing the difference and hit levels you may have not thought possible if you hire GREAT salespeople.<\/p>\n

When\u00a0interviewing a salesperson<\/a>, the most important thing to keep your eye out for is\u00a0does this person genuinely like people; are they a people person?<\/em>\u00a0Do they smile honestly, do they ask questions, make eye contact, have open body language. Do they enjoy making friends from strangers \u2013 and are they likeable in return?<\/p>\n

You can generally get a sense for that and if they have it, it\u2019s a good sign. If they\u2019re the quiet introverted type, they may be smart and capable \u2013 but they\u2019ll be doing themselves and their customers a disservice by not covering this major base of a personality trait.<\/p>\n

Now, let\u2019s dig a bit deeper. This is where home run champs get separated from the bunters. Beyond the initial questions they ask to spark a conversation with a prospect like \u201cWhat do you do, how\u2019s business, how old is the company, etc\u2026?\u201d<\/p>\n

A GREAT salesperson will know how to foray these questions into finding out\u00a0what the prospect is passionate about, what drives them<\/em>. Do they find out what prospects do on weekends, are they married, kids, what books do they read, favorite sports teams, etc…<\/p>\n

When a salesperson<\/a> gets that info, that’s something very powerful, it makes the prospect vulnerable. They prospective customer will have the impression that this person\u00a0cares about me<\/em>. If they\u2019ve done a good job with that, (especially if it\u2019s genuine on behalf of the salesperson) \u2013 then the sale is already done. If they can explain the product\/service well, it\u2019s just a bonus at that point.<\/p>\n

So in a nutshell, this is what makes someone great vs. just good \u2013 now it\u2019s up to you to ask them the right questions, get a good read on their personality and find out if they demonstrate these traits. What questions do they ask you during the interview? Do you feel like they really like YOU? Know YOU? Then you might just have a great sales candidate in front of you.<\/p>\n

\"RamyRamy Assaf<\/a>\u00a0is the Digital Marketing Developer at\u00a0Laimoon.com<\/a>, the\u00a0fresh way to find jobs in sales & marketing.\u00a0Post a Job<\/a>!<\/p>\n

Photo Credit Glengarry Glen Ross<\/a> \/ Vendere Partners<\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n


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Hiring Good vs. Great Salespeople<\/a><\/blockquote>