{"id":5553,"date":"2012-02-21T20:06:49","date_gmt":"2012-02-22T03:06:49","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/static\/blog\/?p=5553"},"modified":"2017-10-17T10:01:09","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T17:01:09","slug":"erecruiting-how-to-recruit-on-pinterest","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/erecruiting-how-to-recruit-on-pinterest\/","title":{"rendered":"Erecruiting: How to Recruit on Pinterest"},"content":{"rendered":"

Activity on the popular new social networking and idea sharing platform, Pintrest.com, now stands at 12 million unique visitors<\/a> as of January 2012 via ComScore.\u00a0 It is the social network that everyone is talking about. Pinterest is the fastest growing social network, and it has recruiters saying, “Think Social<\/a>.”<\/p>\n

Like throughout the social web, Erecruiting<\/a> is occurring on Pinterest. Erecruiting<\/a>, broadly speaking, is internet recruiting, but your erecruiting<\/a> approach must match the nature of the website.<\/p>\n


Pintrest<\/a> is still via invite only beta which means that you must first connect with someone who has an account to receive an invite to the hottest social network.\u00a0 Users pin photos, pictures, and infographics they like sharing with their network.\u00a0 Other users \u201crepin\u201d photos and pictures sharing with their friends.\u00a0 One of my favorite integrations on Pintrest is with Facebook.\u00a0 Pintrest users can share recent pins and boards they create with their friends on Facebook driving awareness and conversations on a second social network about your brand, photo, or business.<\/p>\n

Pintrest\u2019s demographic is mostly female (97% of their users are women<\/a>) and has a very scrapbook or magazine feel.\u00a0 One of the challenges with Pintrest is the inability to search for users but the platform does offer keyword and topic search but relies on the users of the platform to tag the pinned picture appropriately.\u00a0 Similar to Twitter hash tags this has caused frustration by some users.<\/p>\n

Recruiting on a website on Pintrest offers two distinct Erecruiting<\/a> possibilities:<\/p>\n