{"id":4780,"date":"2012-01-23T21:19:52","date_gmt":"2012-01-24T05:19:52","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/static\/blog\/?p=4780"},"modified":"2021-03-26T12:30:42","modified_gmt":"2021-03-26T19:30:42","slug":"the-possibilities-of-mobile-recruiting","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/the-possibilities-of-mobile-recruiting\/","title":{"rendered":"The Possibilities of Mobile Recruiting"},"content":{"rendered":"

Mobile recruiting pracitices different approaches and techniques with different people. \u00a0But mobile recruiting<\/a>\u00a0is increasing and at its core it is the use of a mobile device to communicate with the job seeker. This can be accomplished through a smartphone device like an iPhone or Android phone, a tablet like an iPad, or a cell phone without all the bells and whistles.<\/p>\n

For the masses, mobile serves as a form of a virtual and research assistant, providing us instant access to directions, product reviews, and social connects. So why not jobs? It starts with a mobile career site<\/a>. \u00a0The use of mobile devices has become a mainstream trend with\u00a06.8 million Android and iOS devices<\/a>\u00a0(Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, and iPod) activated on Christmas Day.<\/p>\n

As an iPhone 4GS user, I see a lot of potential with voice and intelligent smart phone devices like Siri.\u00a0 If I can program Siri to remind me to stop by the store, why not program her to make me aware of job openings as I make my morning commute. With Siri and other mobile recruiting technologies, the job seeker can apply hand frees, with only his or her voice.<\/p>\n

For the hiring company, the intelligent virtual assistant provides the same opportunity. Companies can be alerted by voice when someone, \u00a0who is a highly coveted candidate,\u00a0changes their LinkedIn status, or happens to check in with their GPS nearby.<\/p>\n