{"id":32479,"date":"2015-10-19T06:05:49","date_gmt":"2015-10-19T13:05:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/?p=32479"},"modified":"2017-10-17T10:02:41","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T17:02:41","slug":"what-a-difference-a-year-makes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/what-a-difference-a-year-makes\/","title":{"rendered":"What a Difference a Year Makes"},"content":{"rendered":"

Today is a big day for SmartRecruiters. We\u2019re returning to the world\u2019s largest HR technology show in a big way after a year of transformative innovation and explosive growth. You can read all about it in the press release we\u2019ve just put out<\/a> from the HR Tech show<\/a> in Las Vegas.<\/span>
\nWe\u2019ve been working on our Hiring Success vision for\u00a0a while, in part to help companies succeed in today\u2019s talent economy and in part to undo the errors of the past. For those that know me, I am not new to recruiting and have been committed to the cause of undoing the wrongs of the ATS – that I partially helped create with MrTed Talentlink (now Lumesse). I am so pleased by all the hard work of our team, as we have now created a new reality around that vision, one that encompasses mobile and social recruitment marketing, collaborative hiring, integration made easy, and the ability to manage TA in an integrated, adaptive and data-driven manner.<\/span><\/p>\n

It helps that our awesome product development team puts out new functionality each and every month<\/a>, so we are literally twelve releases advanced from last year\u2019s show. Centralized messaging with @Mentions and #Hashtagging, mobile approvals, support for multiple brands, customized assessment workflows, templatized HRIS integrations and many more innovations have come out during this transformative period. I am just as excited by the over 250 recruiting vendors who have joined the SmartRecruiters MarketPlace<\/a> – further proof that there is an insatiable demand in the market for a recruiting OS. \u00a0Most importantly, I am humbled by our customers’ extremely enthusiastic reaction to not only our platform but to our amazing client success team – this is why we entrepreneurs do what we do. \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

We come to HR Tech flush with excitement from the overwhelming interest from companies of all sizes at LinkedIn Talent Connect. Due to our tight partnership with LinkedIn, SmartRecruiters has quickly become the goto hiring platform for enterprises looking to maximize the value of their LinkedIn commitment. We announced just last\u00a0week an additional extension of our relationship – deep, seamless and bi-directional integration to LinkedIn\u2019s new Referrals product<\/a>. Stay tuned\u00a0for yet more exciting news on the LinkedIn-Smartrecruiters front coming soon.<\/span><\/p>\n

The net result of all this is that our revenue has grown 500% over the past year as our customer base has hit 500 companies. Hot tech companies, leading game developers, thriving retailers, large insurance companies and top travel and logistics providers are among them. These large and small companies are not just selecting SmartRecruiters, they\u2019re achieving hiring success. What could be better than that? <\/span><\/p>\n

Let me conclude by encouraging you to visit us at HR Tech (both 1951) at Mandalay Bay<\/a> or next week at the HR Tech World Congress in Paris<\/a>. I hope to see you there.<\/span><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"Today is a big day for SmartRecruiters. We\u2019re returning to the world\u2019s largest HR technology show in a big way after a year of transformative innovation and explosive growth. You can read all about it in the press release we\u2019ve just put out from the HR Tech show in Las Vegas.","protected":false},"author":12,"featured_media":32498,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"episode_type":"","audio_file":"","cover_image":"","cover_image_id":"","duration":"","filesize":"","date_recorded":"","explicit":"","block":"","filesize_raw":""},"categories":[843],"tags":[],"series":[],"acf":[],"aioseo_notices":[],"episode_featured_image":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/10\/Big-Green-Bulb-temp-4.jpg","episode_player_image":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/01\/Podcast-icon.jpg","download_link":false,"player_link":false,"audio_player":false,"episode_data":{"playerMode":"dark","subscribeUrls":{"apple_podcasts":{"key":"apple_podcasts","url":"https:\/\/podcasts.apple.com\/us\/podcast\/hiring-success-podcast\/id1472174987","label":"Apple Podcasts","class":"apple_podcasts","icon":"apple-podcasts.png"},"google_podcasts":{"key":"google_podcasts","url":"https:\/\/podcasts.google.com\/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9oaXJpbmdzdWNjZXNzcG9kY2FzdC5jYXN0b3MuY29tL2hpcmluZy1zdWNjZXNzLXBvZGNhc3Q","label":"Google Podcasts","class":"google_podcasts","icon":"google-podcasts.png"},"soundcloud":{"key":"soundcloud","url":"https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/smartrecruiters\/sets\/hiring-success-podcast-1","label":"SoundCloud","class":"soundcloud","icon":"soundcloud.png"},"spotify":{"key":"spotify","url":"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/show\/3bM8YzLjM2G9qJXLBBySaB","label":"Spotify","class":"spotify","icon":"spotify.png"}},"rssFeedUrl":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/feed\/podcast","embedCode":"

What a Difference a Year Makes<\/a><\/blockquote>