{"id":31127,"date":"2015-03-10T08:50:05","date_gmt":"2015-03-10T15:50:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/?p=31127"},"modified":"2017-10-17T13:20:12","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T20:20:12","slug":"from-a-recruiter-the-realities-of-a-job-interview","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/from-a-recruiter-the-realities-of-a-job-interview\/","title":{"rendered":"From a Recruiter: The Realities of a #Job Interview"},"content":{"rendered":"

I have had a lot of conversations over the course of the last 3 weeks regarding my job; not just what I do or how I do it, but why it is important to me. Last week, I actually had the great thrill of having a candidate flip the script three-quarters of the way through our interview and begin to interview me. Her request \u2013 \u201cI want to know about what you\u00a0<\/em>do.\u201d\u00a0<\/p>\n

What I do is work with companies to identify a need within their organization and then work to fill it. We determine who we\u2019re looking for \u2013 background, job experience, personality, professional values, the types of companies they\u2019ve previously worked for, where they\u2019re headed.<\/p>\n

So, let\u2019s pause there for a second. I work with companies, but my focus is the candidates. Does it make sense so far? Okay good, because if you\u2019re a company that is considering hiring a recruiter to assist with a search, get ready for me to blow your mind. Your candidates are my number one priority.<\/p>\n

You\u2019re important too. Don\u2019t get me wrong. But I can\u2019t do what I do for you without the candidates. Lucky for us both, it\u2019s the part of the job that I love the most.<\/p>\n

Passive Candidates<\/strong><\/h3>\n

All of my clients want to see passive candidates during a recruiting search. Who are the people out there right now that are successful in what they\u2019re doing? Those are the people you want to hire, right? But consider this \u2013 finding and attracting passive candidates takes a lot of work. It certainly takes work on the part of the recruiter, but the hiring manager and company at large also play a huge role. As an employer, consider the following questions regarding a recruiting search:<\/p>\n