{"id":2243,"date":"2011-08-24T16:24:03","date_gmt":"2011-08-24T16:24:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/static\/blog\/?p=2243"},"modified":"2017-10-17T09:56:41","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T16:56:41","slug":"how-to-recruit-on-twitter-with-hash-tags","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/how-to-recruit-on-twitter-with-hash-tags\/","title":{"rendered":"Twitter Recruiting: How to Recruit on Twitter with Hashtags"},"content":{"rendered":"

Twitter is a real-time and fast moving social networking and micro-blogging platform that lends itself easily to search.<\/a> In fact, this platform is the third most popular search engine following Google and YouTube.\u00a0 Twitter users post status updates in 140 characters more than 200 million per day<\/a> according to Twitter.com.\u00a0 The site which boasts 175 million users is much smaller than Facebook, which experts believe will surpass the 1 billion user mark in 2011. \u00a0While Twitter offers a platform that allows for many types of\u00a0search<\/a> to increase the viral spread of content, even by non-members, hash tags in particular are one of the best sources to find engaged users by particular topic or interest.<\/p>\n


While Twitter is not your end all be all solution to online and erecruiting<\/a>, it is an option that can produce positive results in a short period of time depending on how it is used.\u00a0 When reaching out to candidates via Twitter, it is best to have an established Twitter account with a solid following of a thousand followers and a few thousand tweets. Twitter allows for users to be contacted with no prior relationship.\u00a0 Searching for candidates via keyword can net you a solid list of job search and recruiting leads long before your candidate has responded to a resume-mining database like CareerBuilder or Monster.<\/p>\n

Hash tags while they are a great source in which to source and recruit candidates, they are not the only effective method.\u00a0 Consider searching by keywords and information contained in Twitter bios as well as search through Twitter Lists<\/a> to help you identify key players in which to identify possible relationships and candidate sources.<\/p>\n

However, hash tags are one of the best and easiest sources to find engaged users by particular topic or interest.\u00a0 These hash tags<\/a> which are identified by a pound sign or \u2018#,\u2019 tell Twitter and its users that the characters to follow are a user form of tweet and topic organization system. Users catalogue their own tweets allowing for them to be placed in like topics or event hash tag streams increasing the users reach and making it easier for Twitter users to conversate with like minded individuals.<\/p>\n

There are many ways to search or find hash tags of interest using tools like Twubs<\/a> or Tagalus<\/a> to help you identify and search for relevant hash tags that qualified candidates to fill your job opening or requisition might be using.\u00a0 In my experience, the best way to located hash tags is through using basic search tools like Search.Twitter.com<\/a> and researching the stream to see what keywords as well as hash tags your intended candidate or audience may be using.<\/p>\n

Twitter Recruiting: Posting Jobs on Twitter<\/h2>\n

Here are some popular hash tags for active job seekers on Twitter to get you started:<\/p>\n