{"id":22139,"date":"2013-08-12T13:27:36","date_gmt":"2013-08-12T20:27:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/?p=22139"},"modified":"2017-10-17T10:12:54","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T17:12:54","slug":"decoding-gen-y-job-interview-questions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/decoding-gen-y-job-interview-questions\/","title":{"rendered":"Decoding Gen Y Job Interview Questions"},"content":{"rendered":"

Instead of offering advice on how to interview Gen Y candidates, I thought for a change I\u2019d focus on the other half that asks questions during an interview \u2013 the candidate. I bet recruiters out there have all sorts of anecdotal stories about the crazy questions Gen Yers ask in job interviews. While these stories might be amusing, surprising or simply shocking, if you make an effort to actually look beyond the literal question to identify the real<\/i> theme or concern, some questions don\u2019t seem so bad after all. Sure, sometimes the wording is unfortunate and awkward but don\u2019t forget that Gen Y<\/a> is a species with a language of their own. The following exercise will stretch your reframing skills and offers suggestions on how to respond to the Gen Y Job Interview Challenge:

Gen Y Interview Question:<\/strong> Can I bring my iPhone, iPad or MacBook to work and use them?<\/span>
\nWhat they\u2019re really asking:<\/strong>\u00a0<\/strong> <\/em>Does your organization have a BYOD policy or how do you incorporate the
latest t<\/a><\/span>echnology<\/a> at work<\/a>?<\/span><\/p>\n

Gen Yers might be tech-dependent but they know how to increase productivity and maximize outputs by leveraging technology. By asking for your company\u2019s take on this, they are trying to gauge the effectiveness of your technological infrastructure to make sure that joining your company won\u2019t throw them back in the IT Stone Age.<\/span>
\nYour response<\/strong>: Explain your organization\u2019s technology standards and why BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is or isn’t the default for your business.<\/span><\/p>\n

\nGen Y Interview Question:<\/strong> Can I text my manager if I am sick rather than call in?<\/span>
\nWhat they\u2019re really asking:<\/strong>\u00a0What c<\/span>ommunication<\/em> preferences are predominant in your work environment and what communication channels are acceptable?<\/span><\/p>\n

Gen Y wants to ensure that communication is easy, straightforward and painless in your organization, so they won\u2019t have to waste their time by dealing with communication formalities and etiquette when they join.<\/span>
\nYour response:<\/strong> Addressing your organization\u2019s communication customs will help resolve their concerns.<\/span>
\nGen Y Interview Question:<\/strong> Do I have to show up every day?<\/span>
\nWhat they\u2019re really asking:\u00a0<\/strong> Does your organization have a policy on mobile work arrangements in order to engage employees by allowing f<\/span>lexibility<\/em>?<\/span><\/p>\n

Gen Y appreciates flexibility as one of their core values \u2013 inside the workplace<\/a> and away from it. Notice that the question is about <\/span>showing up<\/i>, not about actually doing the work or producing results. In the mind of Gen Y, presence does not equal performance.\u00a0<\/span>
\nYour response:<\/strong> Ask the candidate what work set-up would be ideal for them and then explain what kind of flexible arrangements you can and can not offer.<\/span>
\nGen Y Interview Question:<\/strong> How long will it take to reach the next management level? \u00a0<\/span>
\nWhat they\u2019re really asking:<\/strong> How does your organization ensure <\/span>fast career progression<\/em> for
high potential Gen Y talent<\/a>?<\/span><\/p>\n

Gen Yers are impatient and self-absorbed. Of course, they think of themselves as the cream of the crop, after all that\u2019s what their parents have been telling them forever. In this fast-paced world, slowness and non-progress means fallback or failure.<\/span>
\nYour response:<\/strong> Clearly describe the requirements for moving up the career ladder, why such prerequisites make sense and how you identify people\u2019s potential and track their performance.
Be transparent<\/a> about your talent management and provide <\/span>realistic<\/i> time frames. Then point out some intermediate development steps of how people get there, what skills they learn along the way and what short-term goals are attainable.<\/span>
\nGen Y Interview Question:<\/strong>\u00a0What kind of training will I receive on the job?<\/span>
\nWhat they\u2019re really asking: <\/strong>How does your company handle l<\/em><\/span>earning and development<\/em>?<\/span><\/p>\n

Gen Y is ambitious and expects their employer to provide ample opportunities for professional development and personal growth. As a beginner in the world of work, for them this equals classic training programs which they consider self-evident and not as a form of reward in exchange for performance. Instead of seeing the arrogance in this attitude, reframe it and appreciate the fact that they want to learn and evolve.\u00a0<\/span>
\nYour response:<\/strong> Truthfully describe the requirements for being selected for learning and development programs in your organization but also emphasize the
70\/20\/10 model<\/a> of learning and explain the wealth of (informal) learning opportunities on the job.<\/span>
\nGen Y Interview Question:<\/strong> Does your company have frequent bonus and award programs?<\/span>
\nWhat they\u2019re really asking:<\/strong> What concepts of <\/span>instant gratification<\/em> do you offer?<\/span><\/p>\n

Gen Yers are feedback junkies and if I say feedback, I really mean positive reinforcement.\u00a0 They just can\u2019t get enough of it; recognition has to be frequent and immediate. Annual bonus cycles and performance management appear antique and simply do not capture the Gen Y attention span<\/a> long enough to incentivize desired behaviors and performance.<\/span>
\nYour response:<\/strong> Unfortunately, most corporate reward programs do not (yet) cater to this Gen Y need for immediacy. If that\u2019s the case, be transparent about it and ask what <\/span>other<\/i> forms of gratification or recognition might motivate the candidate along the way.<\/span>
\nWhat \u201ccrazy\u201d Gen Y questions have you heard in job interviews that you could possibly reframe and comprehend from a Gen Y perspective?\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"Instead of offering advice on how to interview Gen Y candidates, I thought for a change I\u2019d focus on the other half that asks questions during an interview \u2013 the candidate. I bet recruiters out there have all sorts of anecdotal stories about the crazy questions Gen Yers ask in job interviews. While these stories […]","protected":false},"author":154,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"episode_type":"","audio_file":"","cover_image":"","cover_image_id":"","duration":"","filesize":"","date_recorded":"","explicit":"","block":"","filesize_raw":""},"categories":[841],"tags":[298],"series":[],"acf":[],"aioseo_notices":[],"episode_featured_image":false,"episode_player_image":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/01\/Podcast-icon.jpg","download_link":false,"player_link":false,"audio_player":false,"episode_data":{"playerMode":"dark","subscribeUrls":{"apple_podcasts":{"key":"apple_podcasts","url":"https:\/\/podcasts.apple.com\/us\/podcast\/hiring-success-podcast\/id1472174987","label":"Apple Podcasts","class":"apple_podcasts","icon":"apple-podcasts.png"},"google_podcasts":{"key":"google_podcasts","url":"https:\/\/podcasts.google.com\/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9oaXJpbmdzdWNjZXNzcG9kY2FzdC5jYXN0b3MuY29tL2hpcmluZy1zdWNjZXNzLXBvZGNhc3Q","label":"Google Podcasts","class":"google_podcasts","icon":"google-podcasts.png"},"soundcloud":{"key":"soundcloud","url":"https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/smartrecruiters\/sets\/hiring-success-podcast-1","label":"SoundCloud","class":"soundcloud","icon":"soundcloud.png"},"spotify":{"key":"spotify","url":"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/show\/3bM8YzLjM2G9qJXLBBySaB","label":"Spotify","class":"spotify","icon":"spotify.png"}},"rssFeedUrl":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/feed\/podcast","embedCode":"

Decoding Gen Y Job Interview Questions<\/a><\/blockquote>