{"id":20822,"date":"2013-06-14T08:07:09","date_gmt":"2013-06-14T15:07:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/?p=20822"},"modified":"2017-10-17T10:00:46","modified_gmt":"2017-10-17T17:00:46","slug":"twitter-career-handles-8-companies-to-learn-fro","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smartrecruiters.com\/blog\/twitter-career-handles-8-companies-to-learn-fro\/","title":{"rendered":"Twitter Career Handles – 8 Companies to Learn From"},"content":{"rendered":"

Candidates expect to be treated as more than a reference number and companies are taking notice. Twitter<\/a> connects people that would have never had access to each other and makes conversation as easy as 140 characters. Companies that are taking their recruiting efforts to Twitter know that finding talent can happen anytime. The really smart companies are taking their recruiting and employer branding<\/a> to Twitter in a direct form – with Career\u2019s handles.<\/p>\n

\nThese are the <\/strong>Top 8 Career Handles doing it right:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

8. @AmtrackCareers<\/a> <\/strong>wants you to learn more about their company than just open jobs. If you haven\u2019t thought about riding with Amtrak before, you will now.<\/p>\n


39 second that will make you want to ride with Amtrak\u2026 bit.ly\/13Jc9tk<\/a>
\n\u2014 Amtrak Careers (@AmtrakCareers)
June 10, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n



7. @MicrosoftCareers<\/a><\/strong> not only shares their #hotjobs<\/a> but give a lesson in employer branding<\/a> by showcasing current employees.<\/p>\n


RT if you agree! RT @robertjcooper<\/a>: It\u2019s a great time to be working at Microsoft.<\/p>\n

\u2014 Microsoft Careers (@MicrosoftJobs) June 12, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n



6. @NPRJobs<\/a> <\/strong>knows they want candidates<\/a> ready to be on the frontlines of the news. Their career handle tells applicants exactly what to expect.<\/p>\n


Considering applying for a job at @npr<\/a>? Here’s what to expect: n.pr\/ZOPheG<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 NPR Jobs (@NPRjobs) June 6, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n



5. @eBayIncCareers<\/a> <\/strong>inspires potential candidates with great culture<\/a> and job opportunities around the world. They want employees who are ready to lead.<\/p>\n


#eBay<\/a> was founded on a simple idea: People are basically good. Learn more about the #Culture<\/a> of our company: ebaycareers.com\/culture-enviro\u2026<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 eBay Inc. Careers (@eBayIncCareers) June 13, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n



4. @BarclaysRoles<\/a><\/strong> emphasizes career development and wants professionals to take advantage of all opportunities. Their feed is about taking the next step.<\/p>\n


1\/2 The sky’s the limit according to CEO, #AntonyJenkins<\/a> who shared pearls of wisdom on our young people with 3 rules twitter.com\/BarclaysRoles\/\u2026<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Barclays Careers (@BarclaysRoles) May 1, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n



3. @BWWCareers<\/a><\/strong> is all about community and team. Buffalo Wild Wings shows us, just because you are a big business doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t be personable.<\/p>\n


Words that describe our greeters: Energetic, Fun, Passionate, & Sports Fans. If these describe you it may be time to apply and become one.<\/p>\n

\u2014 BWW Careers (@BWWCareers) June 13, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

2. @BoeingCareers<\/a> <\/strong>is fulfilling dreams of anyone who once wanted to work on airplanes. Calling engineers, aviation specialists, and everyone else – Boeing is hiring.<\/p>\n


Join our proud team as we build the #787 #Dreamliner<\/a> in North Charleston, SC. Apply now. http:\/\/t.co\/ynjPK7xkOX<\/a> #Boeing<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Boeing Careers (@BoeingCareers) June 4, 2013<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n